Would you want to live in such a society? Would your life be better or worse in
it? What would you like or dislike most about this social system? Overall, would people
be better or worse off in a thor- oughly libertarian America?
You will have to read what i have in quotations and answer what i wrote in the topic part“Imagine char rhe
United Scares has evolved into a liberrarian paradise. The govern- menr is small, charged only ,virh the limited
functions of protecting society and economic systems from coercion and fraud. All other social and economic
benefits are the responsibility ofindividuals. People have maximum freedom ro pursue their economic goals
without interference from the government. Taxes are extremely lo,v, raised only to fund the military and
whatever forces are needed ro secure people’s
social and economic rights. There are no entitlement programs-no Social Secur- ity, no Medicare, no health
care programs, no studenr loans, no welfure systems of
any kind. Government regulation of business is minimal, as is consumer prorec- tion. There are no minimumwage la,vs and no government attempts ro redistribute wealth or to help rhe poor, disabled, disadvantaged, or

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