Amelia’s Health

Making a switch from unhealthy eating habits to a balanced diet is always quite a challenge for many individuals. When visualizing a person who eats healthy, most people picture a person with a thin body, who deprives him or herself of the favourite foods. This is why it is important to note that healthy eating is not majorly about strict dietary restrictions. On the contrary, it focuses on feeling great, being highly energetic, having good health, and stabilizing moods. Amelia’s health is at risk due to poor eating habits; she mainly consumed carbohydrate foods, as well as those that were high in fat.

The foods that will be beneficial to her include those that will add value to her health (Tweed, 2015). First, foods that are high in fibre are a must have in her diet. When the product is natural and unprocessed, Amelia will be able to benefit from reduced risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes. She will also be able to lose a few pounds. Hence, it is important to take a serving of 21 to 38 grams per day. Fibre is found in wheat cereals, oatmeal, beans, nuts, and even vegetables such as carrots. Second, fruits and vegetables are also quite important. This is because they tend to have a lot of nutrients, and are also very low in calories (Somer, 2007). These products contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and also fibre. Green vegetables should not be left out in this category. Proteins are also very important, especially if Amelia will be working out.

Basically, there are specific basic principles that Amelia should follow when implementing the given food choices. First, fruits, vegetables and whole grains should be eating as much as possible. Second, saturated fat and cholesterol should be avoided at all costs. Third, sugar and salt should only be taken at low levels. Fourth, Alcohol beverages should only be consumed minimally. Fifth, when having meals, Amelia should only consume a moderate portion. Lastly, Physical activity must be added in daily routine to ensure the body is fit always.

Cooking with herbs is very important for Amelia’s health. However, it is important to take note that not all products claiming to be fortified with herbs are actually are. Companies simply use the words to gain customer base. Fortunately, there are different natural herbs which may be used during cooking so as to ensure the food is fortified (von Ruesten et al., 2013). First, dried red pepper is an example which leads to the reduced risk of skin and colon cancer. It also ensures that an individual eats fewer calories. Second, cinnamon is also important for the health of Amelia. Cooking with this product helps to lower blood sugar, get rid of bad cholesterol, and reducing triglycerides in individuals suffering from type 2 diabetes (Somer, 2007). Third, sage is yet another herb which helps to reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure, hence preventing heart disease.

There are more herbs which can be added into meals to produce different benefits. These include; garlic, peppermint, and turmeric amongst many others. These offer various benefits such as preventing the spread of cancer (von Ruesten et al., 2013).It also relieves heartburn and bloating, and soothing irritable bowel syndrome among many others.

When preparing the diet plan, other factors to be taken into consideration include food intolerances and allergies, family background, moral beliefs and religion, and even culture. These factors will help to determine whether or not the resulting food diet plan is applicable to Amelia.



Somer, E. (2007). 40 fat-fighting meals. Prevention59(6), 170-179.

Tweed, V. (2015). Weight Loss. Better Nutrition77(8), 32-36.

von Ruesten, A., Feller, S., Bergmann, M. M., & Boeing, H. (2013). Diet and risk of chronic diseases: results from the first 8 years of follow-up in the EPIC-Potsdam study. European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition67(4), 412-419. doi:10.1038/ejcn.2013.7

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