1.How did the piece you read cause you to think differently about other pieces of writing by women

authors that you’ve read previously? If it is a piece of theory, is there a way in which it increases your

2.Have you noticed that two assigned readings or critics disagree with one another? How do they agree or

disagree, and how would you assess their arguments?
3.Is there a critical or theoretical reading that you can apply to the work of fiction? How does it help to

explain that work of fiction?
4.If you’re reading a piece of fiction, how would you explain or analyze the character’s motives? Why does

she respond in the way that she does? What does she want from her life, and what obstacles stand in her

5.How is the character’s situation influenced or affected by her position in life (as a nineteenth-century

person, for example, or as a married woman, or as a person of color, or as an individual in an

industrialized society)?
6.Is there a single speech or scene that seems to sum up the themes of the work as a whole? What is it,

and could you analyze it so that you show how it is central to the entire novel or story?
7.Does the character have an antagonist, a foil, or both in the novel or story? Who are they, and what are

their functions?
8.What holds the character back from achieving what she wants in life?
9.How does the author of a work of fiction use formal devices such as imagery, symbolism, metaphor,

simile, style, or dialogue to create a memorable work or character?
10.If you are reading poetry, how do the formal conventions of the poem serve to enhance its meaning?
11.How does one piece of fiction seem to respond to the themes of another? Can you compare or

contrast the characters of two pieces of fiction, for example?
12.Using the techniques of close reading (which considers the connotations of individual words and

sentences, images, symbols, and so on), choose a passage from a piece of fiction or a poem and analyze


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