- Task
You are tasked with analyzing available satellite networking technologies that will perform all core
functions of the company’s service platform for the next 10 years and recommending the pla=orm
that provides the greatest value for the company. - Narra@ve
The exis@ng infrastructure has reached its useful end-of-life and needs to be replaced. Newer
technology has made significant steps in its efficiencies and the company needs to ensure it makes the
right decision to take the business into the next decade.
There are three (3) major brands on the market that are under considera@on. Other, perhaps more
cuKng-edge systems have been eliminated from considera@on because the shareholders are not
prepared to take risks on non-performance with unproven technology. These three brands each have
proven track records of performance over @me, but with controlled improvements in performance
coupled with effec@ve support for when things go awry.
The three systems are:
A. System Omega (Omega): 20+ years of increasingly sophis@cated advancements in satellite
networking technology. Company’s target markets include Federal Law Enforcement
and the Military. (ASachment 1)
B. OTT Satellite Technologies (OTT): 30+ years of development in satellite networking technology
based on a successful pla=orm for point-to-point technology prevalent in the 1990s. Business is
focused on business-to-business applica@ons. (ASachment 2)
C. Storm Communica@ons (Storm): A newer entrant to the satellite networking technology market with
a consumer-based pla=orm focused on suppor@ng thousands of remotes simultaneously, including
point-of-sale networks for retail outlets. (ASachment 3)
Each of these three systems have unique opera@ng characteris@cs and networking performance
standards. A data sheet for each system is aSached for reference. - User base
Our current user base comprises a number of older (legacy) systems that represent users that have been
with us for many years and users opera@ng on newer equipment that operate at higher perform levels. It
is an@cipated that, over @me, our older users will either stop using our services or will eventually
upgrade to the new system we install.
Our ac@ve user rate (the number of current users on our system) follows this annual trend:
a) Star@ng point: we have 4,000 older users (R1) and 2,200 newer users(R2).
b) We lose 500 older users (R1) for a variety of reasons (leave to use competitor’s technology,
moving house where cable systems are available, or simply people disconnect from our services for
price or other reasons).
c) In addi@on, we upgrade 250 of our older users (R1) to new systems (R2) on our servicepla=orm.
d) We gain 1,000 new users through our marke@ng and sales efforts and install newer systems in each
(R2). - Satellite Technical Specifica@ons:
a) The satellite systems under considera@on consist of several transponders that we can access. We
can choose a combina@on of the following available transponders, with reference to the size of
the transponder and the annual cost of each transponder.
Notes: - Simplified Transmission Equa@on
BW is the analogue frequency spectrum occupied by a data carrier link (MHz – Megahertz)
DR is the digital data rate of the carrier (Mbps – Megabits per second)
MF is the modula@on factor of the carrier
FEC is the forward error correc@on
SF is the spacing factor
Note: See ASachments 1, 2 and 3 for the specific opera@ng parameters for each system under
considera@on - Modula@on Factor Table
Binary Phase Shig Keying BPSK 1
Quadrature Phase Shig Keying QPSK 2
Eight Phase Shig Keying 8PSK 3 - Exam Deliverables
There are several ques@ons we must first answer about each system to enable us to perform a detailed
comparison of the rela@ve performance metrics that will aid our decision-making.
a) What is the poten@al data throughput of each network system to R1 and R2 remotes? [Use the
simplified version of the transmission equa@on for your analysis.]
i) Note the opera@ng op@ons for R1 and R2 remotes as detailed in the ASachments for each
Satellite Networking System (ASachments 1, 2 and 3)
b) How many remotes of each type can be supported by each system on each transponder?
[Suggest you detail out (in a table format) how many Type R1 and how many type R2 remotes
can be supported in each transponder listed.]
c) How many years un@l we have no more R1 users?
d) At the point in @me (t1) we have no more R1 users, how many R2 users will we have?
e) At @me t1, how many transponders will we have to have and in what configura@on? [How many
transponders of what size will we need at that point?]
f) What will be our annual transponder cost at @me t1?
g) What will the R2 users need to pay each month to enable the company to break even? [i.e. cost
= revenue at @me t1]
h) What is your final recommenda@on of which system to adopt for our next genera@on satellite
network pla=orm? - Presenta@on of Answers
a. Submit your responses in the form of a Word (or equivalent) document in PDF form.
b. Include a table of contents iden@fying exactly where you answer each of the 8 ques@ons
from 7. (a-h) (above)
c. Advice:
i. I used an Excel spreadsheet to run the numbers – might be useful for workingout
the data rates possible as well as to work out the numbers of users and when R1
goes to zero. (Use year-end numbers as you reference points for answering the
ii. Take this step-by-step. If you show your working and logic, I will give you credit for
that work.
iii. Include any workings (including any Excel or other applica@on files) as an
aSachment to the Word document. Preferably in a PDF format.
iv. Present in a neat and @dy format. If I can easily trace your work, it makes it easier
for me to grade.
ASachment 1 – System Omega (Omega) Performance Metrics - Modula@on Factors and Forward Error Correc@on
- Spacing factors
Sample Solution