◾Read the article titled, “Understanding nonprofit missions as dynamic and interpretative conceptions”. How does your personal mission conceptions of your agency/organization influence the dominant mission conception guiding your agency/organization?
◾Describe the mission, strategic goals, objectives, and business functions of the agency. Discuss what changes, if any, may take place over the next few years that could affect the agency’s mission, objectives, and strategies.
◦Basic information to include in the workforce plan: ◾Agency mission
◾Agency strategic goals and objectives
◾Core business functions
◾Anticipated changes to the mission, strategies, and goals over the next five years

Step 1: Current Workforce Profile (Supply Analysis)
◾Describe the agency’s current workforce by assessing whether current employees have the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to address critical business issues in the future. ◦Basic information to include in the workforce plan: ◾Demographics information, including age, gender, ethnicity, and length of service
◾Percent of workforce eligible to retire
◾Agency turnover
◾Projected employee turnover rate over the next five years
◾Workforce skills critical to the mission and goals of the agency

Step 2: Future Workforce Profile (Demand Analysis)
◾Develop a future business and staffing outlook. Determine trends, future influences, and challenges for the agency’s business functions, new and at-risk business, and workforce composition. ◦Basic information to include in the workforce plan: ◾Expected workforce changes driven by factors such as changing missions, goals, strategies, technology, work, workloads, and work processes
◾ Future workforce skills needed
◾Anticipated increase or decrease in the number of employees needed to do the work
◾Critical functions that must be performed to achieve the strategic plan

Step 3: Gap Analysis
◾Identify gaps (shortages) and surpluses (excesses) in staffing and skill levels needed to meet future functional requirements. ◦Basic information to include in the workforce plan: ◾Anticipated surplus or shortage in staffing levels
◾Anticipated surplus or shortage of skills

Step 4: Strategy Development
•Develop strategies for workforce transition.
•List specific goals to address workforce competency gaps or surpluses (may include the following):
•Changes in organizational structure
•Succession planning
•Retention programs
•Recruitment plans
•Career development programs
•Leadership development
•Organizational training and employee development

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