Use complete sentences and separate paragraphs. Give reasons for each answer, citing assigned course materials when applicable. (10 points)

  1. The Great Southern Snozzwrangler lives in at least two places in the state of North Carolina. There is a new housing development that is being planned on private land in the state, which sits on one of the known snozzwrangler nesting areas. An activist group called “Save the Snozzr is concerned about the animal’s plight. What actions, if any, can this group take to help the snozzwrangler? What would the property owner argue? Who would likely be successful? Why or why not? Cite course sources in your answer.

and short answer to these 1. After the snail darter controversy was over, how did the Fish & Wildlife Service react to further petitions for ESA listing and why?

  1. What is Tannenbaum’s argument in favor of cruelty laws? What evidence does he use?




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