Taking A Stand On A Social Issue, ” Are we doing all that we can?”, providing at least three reasons or arguments supporting your point of view. In this essay, you will take a stand, giving reasoned support for your opinion, on this assigned topic. The specific topic is “Are we doing all that we can? Use the 1-3-1 strategy to write about the issue of diversity, tolerance or stereotyping. (One introductory paragraph, Three supporting paragraphs, One concluding and summary paragraph.) More specifically, you will state what you think the single most important is on the issue of diversity, tolerance or stereotyping, then give three solid reasons defending that stated purpose.

Most essays have one introductory paragraph, three supporting paragraphs and one summary paragraph. Review what you have learned about developing the main idea of a paragraph. In this paper you will be applying that lesson on a larger scale, developing the central idea of an essay (your thesis statement) by supporting it with argument, explanation, examples, illustrations, definitions and classifications and, when appropriate, with documented facts, numbers, and quotes from authorities.





































































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