Textbook: Gardner’sArtthroughtheAges:Non-Western Perspectives by Fred S. Kleiner, 13th Edition,
Instructions provided below

1.Chapters 1 and 2, scan through the entire textbook, noting the range of cultures in Non-Western World

2.Choose a work of art from your own environment that has been inspired by or is from one of the Non-

Western World Cultures in the textbook, i.e., the work should be a non-western style. Look for something

similar in your home, work, restaurant, architecture, public spaces to which you currently have access, it

could be visual art or even a pattern on fabric or ceramic. You may look anywhere except on the internet

for this assignment. The goal is to see what exists around you inspired by or from these Non-Western

3.Include your 2 images in your text: one is your finding and one is from the related culture in the

textbook. You may select an image from any culture in your textbook, regardless of the chapter, when

seeking out the culture you believe inspired the example in your environment.

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