To present yourself as a potential teammate to your classmates by describing three qualities that make you a good team
member while backing them up with concrete examples that when told together tell a story about who you are and
what you stand for.
• Length of speech: 2 minutes (10 seconds under or over)
• Dress: business casual
• Talk about your three qualities with supporting examples (evidence)
• No notes will be used for this presentation
• See evaluation rubric below for how you will be graded
• Baseline Presentation outline due on Canvas before class begins.
Important note: You can use whatever outline format you like; however, presentation outlines are never wordfor-word scripts. Scripts cause you to memorize your presentation. Your goal is to be authentic. You cannot be
authentic when you have a presentation memorized.
You will need to select your best qualities that match the qualities you believe your C104 team will find most essential.
Support your qualities with specific examples of each, drawing from your past work, school, and community
experiences. Present your qualities as a story and not a checklist. Things to consider:
1. Analyze your past team experiences in school, in extracurricular activities, at work, and in the community. What
made these teams enjoyable or unpleasant to work with? How were they both productive and dysfunctional?
What role did you play that added to the enjoyment and productivity of these teams? What behaviors did you
exhibit that minimized the dysfunction of these teams?
2. Analyze the likely needs of your C104 classmates in a teammate. What qualities do you think they will find most
essential? Which of these essential qualities do you also demonstrate?
3. And, most importantly, when did you demonstrate these essential qualities? How can you bring these essential
qualities, each supported with concrete evidence, together into a story about yourself? Consider what language
you should use to make these examples vivid and persuasive. Practice telling your stories to friends and family
to help you build comfort in talking about yourself.
4. Organize your points in a logical order that will allow you to transition clearly from idea to idea.























































































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