Behavior Change Theory: Ryan, (2009). Integrated Theory of Health Behavior Change: Background and
intervention development. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 23(3), 161-170. McCawley, P.F. (n.d.). The Logic Model for
program planning and evaluation. University of Idaho, University of Idaho extension. Retrieved May 2, 2020,
from Innovation Network (n.d.) Logic model
workbook [PDF]. Community Tool Box – (Links to an external site.)- Excellent resource for program planning –
includes program planning models, resources for community assessment, promoting interest and participation,
developing strategic plans, identifying community problems and adapting interventions to your community, and
many other Assignment details: The choice of behavior change theory is a key decision in planning a health
Selection of a behavior change theory should take into consideration the readiness of the target population for
change as well as their cultural views on health. In your post, identify the behavior change theory you have
chosen, identify and explain all of the key concepts/constructs, describe potential activities you wish to include
for each concept, specific to your population/disease process, and describe evidence that supports the choice
of this theory for your Program planning and evaluation are the foundation of a successful health A number of
things should be considered when choosing a program planning model, including the amount of expertise
needed to use the model, time required to implement the model, and the cost of implementation. For your post,
select either the Logic Model (suggested readings), MAP-IT (Community Tool Box [CTB]), or PRECEDEPROCEED (text, CTB), (Contact your faculty for approval if you wish to utilize a different program planning
model.) identify and explain each step, describe potential activities you wish to include for each phase, specific
to your population/disease process, and provide a rationale for choosing this model over other Describe the
evidence base which supports your choice of the model for your intervention.

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