Read the book, Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk by Ben Fountain (First Edition 2012). LITCHARTS ARE ATTACHED. Write a minimum 300 word response (I would like close to the 550 words) to the prompt Prompt: 1. Discuss the author’s voice and his perspective on the topic or on sports overall. What do you think the author learned in writing this book? 2. Is there a character in the book who particularly affected you? Who and why? 3. To the adage, “Sports doesn’t build character, it reveals it, “how would this book relate?” 4. What themes beyond sports itself emerge from this book? (Illustrate an example or two.) 5. Did you choose this book for a particular reason? Yes, It questioned the purpose of this war in Iraq and why our government had our soldiers there in the first place. To elaborate from what I read about it before I chose it,it’s because I read this plot summary on LitCHART, “When it became clear that the United States had gone to war under false pretenses with no clear plan. Soldiers were dying, Iraqi civilians were dying by the thousands, and the country was amassing a great deal of debt. Despite all this, President George W. Bush continued to insist to the American public that the war was just and necessary. His reelection in 2004 indicated that the public believed him.” BTW… I agree with the author that our troops should have been brought home. Not only were our troops dying in this senseless war, but also hundreds of thousands of Iraqis lost their lives. 6. Would you recommend it to a classmate? YES I WOULD RECOMMEND