Section A: Biographical Information
Please select the most appropriate response:

  • Required
  1. Your age:
    o 18 – 20
    o 21 – 23
    o 24 and above
  2. Your gender:
    o Female
    o Male
  3. Your Race:
    o Black
    o Coloured
    o Indian
    o White
    o Other:_____
  4. Your home language:
    o Afrikaans
    o English
    o isiXhosa
    o isiZulu
    o Other:_____
  5. Do you have a Facebook account?*
    o Yes
    o No

Section B: Facebook Usage
Please select the most appropriate response:

  1. How long have you been using Facebook?
    o Less than a year
    o 1 to Less than 3 years
    o 3 – 5 years
    o Longer than 5 years
  2. How many Facebook Friends do you have?
    o Fewer than 50
    o 51 – 100
    o 101 – 300
    o More than 300
    o I don’t know
    o I don’t keep track
  3. Do you use the following Facebook features? (Please select the most appropriate answer)
    o Friendship Pages
    o Timeline
    o Friendship Pages & Timeline
    o I don’t use either feature
  4. Do you portray yourself on Facebook the same way you do in real life?
    o Yes
    o No
  5. When using Facebook, how often do you…
    All the time Often Sometimes Rarely Never
    10.1 Update your status
    10.2 Update profile information (relationship status, “About Me”, etc.)
    10.3 Search for friends; events; groups
    10.4 Upload & share your own photos
    10.5 Check & answer messages
    10.6 Manage your wall posts
    10.7 Make wall posts
    10.8 Profile watch other Facebook users’ accounts
    10.9 Browse other Facebook users’ photos
    10.10 Tag yourself in uploaded photos
    10.11 Comment on friends’ uploaded photos
    10.12 Share friends’ uploaded photos
    10.13 Share friends’ status
    10.14 Share videos / links of interest
    10.15 Chat with others via Facebook chat

Section C – Facebook Feature Usage & Attitude
Friendship pages show a collection of stories and interactions between two people connected on Facebook. For example, your friendship page with a friend will show things like the timeline posts you’ve exchanged, your mutual friends, events you both attended, the photos you’re both tagged in and the things you like on Facebook.
Facebook timeline is your collection of the photos, stories, and experiences that tell your story. Some of the things you can do on your timeline:
• Add a cover photo
• Edit your basic info
• Jump to stories from your past
• View a log of your Facebook activity
• Star stories you want to highlight
• Add life events
• Update your status
• View and add photos
• See highlights from each month

  1. How many “friends” have you added without actually knowing who they are?
    o None
    o 1 – 4
    o 5 – 10
    o More than 10
    o Not sure but I have added some
  2. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
    Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
    12.1 I have a detailed profile on Facebook
    12.2 Personal information I publish on Facebook always represents the truth
    12.3 I always find time to keep my profile up-to-date
    12.4 My profile tells a lot about me
    12.5 From my Facebook profile it would be easy to find out my preferences in things like books, movies, music…
    12.6 From my Facebook profile it would be easy to understand what type of person I am
  3. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
    Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
    13.1 I choose who has access to my uploaded content based on the different type of Facebook friends I have
    13.2 I will seek permission from my friends before uploading a group photo to Facebook
    13.3 I will seek permission from my friends before tagging anyone in a group photo uploaded to Facebook
    13.4 It is OK for Facebook “friends” to share content and information posted by other users (i.e. To their own Facebook “friends”; Friends of Friends)
  4. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
    Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
    14.1 I am aware that photos shared with “Friends only” can still be seen by others if the photos are tagged by friends
    14.2 Facebook allows me sufficient control over my personal information via its privacy settings
    14.3 I am aware of the type of information which can be obtained about myself through my Facebook profile and shared content
    14.4 I am aware of the type of information which can be obtained about others through their Facebook profiles and shared content
  5. Generally, I trust that other Facebook users (including non-friends)…
    Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
    15.1 Will not use the information they found about me on Facebook against me
    15.2 Will not use the information about me in the wrong way
    15.3 Are trustworthy
  6. Have you ever changed your timeline settings on Facebook?
    o Yes
    o No
  7. To what extent do you agree with the timeline settings?
    More control required than the default option setting Happy with the default option setting Less control required than the default option setting
    17.1 Who can post on your timeline(default: Friends)
    17.2 Who can see posts you’ve been tagged in on your timeline (default: Friends of Friends)
    17.3 Who can see what others post on your timeline (default: Friends)
    17.4 When you’re tagged in a post, who you want to add to the audience if they aren’t already in it (default: Friends)
    17.5 Who sees tag suggestions when photos that look like you are uploaded (default: Friends)
    17.6 Ability to review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline (default: Off)
    17.7 Ability to review tags people add to your own posts before the tags appear on Facebook (default: Off)
  8. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
    Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
    18.1 I feel comfortable discussing personal issues on Facebook
    18.2 Sometimes I am uncomfortable with my conversations being on Facebook for other people to see
    18.3 I am just as likely to communicate with friends through Facebook as I am likely to text or call them on the phone
  9. Facebook provides me enough control (e.g. through functionality, privacy policies) over…
    Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
    19.1 The information I provide on Facebook (e.g. in my profile, on the Wall etc.)
    19.2 How and in what case the information I provide can be used
    19.3 Who can collect and use the information I provide
    19.4 Who can view my information on Facebook
    19.5 The actions of other users (e.g. Tagging me in pictures, writing on the Wall)
  10. I believe that, with the optimal Facebook privacy settings selected, information I share…
    Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
    20.1 Cannot be used in a way I did not foresee
    20.2 Cannot become available to someone without my knowledge
    20.3 Cannot be misinterpreted
    20.4 Cannot result in me being continuously spied on (by someone unintended)

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