Do the right thing

You make some great points about having the moral intelligence to step up and do the right thing if/when necessary. The fact is, people are still determining how they will handle this kind of predicament if they were presented with such a tough choice. There are so...

Displayed moral intelligence

    Dr. Wigand displayed moral intelligence by demonstrating empathy for others while still being courageous to bring awareness to an unethical situation. A person with moral intelligence must manage an ethical problem through self-sacrifice, which shows a...

Resting Metabolic Rate

  1. What is Resting Metabolic Rate and what does a RMR test tell us? 2. What are the variables that determine the amount of energy that a person would need at rest? 3. How does the Cardio Coach determine the number of total kcals that should be consumed? What is...

Body composition could influence physical performance

1. Discuss the ways in which body composition could influence physical performance consider various scenarios such as low lean mass, high body fat, low body fat. 2. Outline a healthy way to make body composition changes. 3. Explain the effects of exercise on body...