by Dan | Mar 21, 2023 | Applied Science
You make some great points about having the moral intelligence to step up and do the right thing if/when necessary. The fact is, people are still determining how they will handle this kind of predicament if they were presented with such a tough choice. There are so...
by Dan | Mar 21, 2023 | Applied Science
Dr. Wigand displayed moral intelligence by demonstrating empathy for others while still being courageous to bring awareness to an unethical situation. A person with moral intelligence must manage an ethical problem through self-sacrifice, which shows a...
by Dan | Mar 17, 2023 | Applied Science
What do you think retirement is like for someone who isn’t highly educated and does not have other interests?
by Dan | Mar 17, 2023 | Applied Science
What are your initial thoughts toward retirement? (Minimum of 200 Words)
by Dan | Mar 14, 2023 | Applied Science
1. What is Resting Metabolic Rate and what does a RMR test tell us? 2. What are the variables that determine the amount of energy that a person would need at rest? 3. How does the Cardio Coach determine the number of total kcals that should be consumed? What is...
by Dan | Mar 14, 2023 | Applied Science
1. Discuss the ways in which body composition could influence physical performance consider various scenarios such as low lean mass, high body fat, low body fat. 2. Outline a healthy way to make body composition changes. 3. Explain the effects of exercise on body...