Dr. Wigand displayed moral intelligence by demonstrating empathy for others while still being courageous to bring awareness to an unethical situation. A person with moral intelligence must manage an ethical problem through self-sacrifice, which shows a commitment to improving circumstances for an individual or group (Hadian Shirazi & Sabetsarvestani, 2021). A person’s ability to whistle blow to bring change does take strength and a commitment to ethical principles. Since not all are willing to take the risk to take a stance against unethical actions, do you think ethical characteristics can evolve over time?


Sample Solution

Yes, I do believe that ethical characteristics can evolve over time. As people gain more experience and are exposed to different situations, their values and beliefs may change. This change is most often seen in young adults who have had the opportunity to take courses on ethics or have been presented with challenging ethical dilemmas that require thoughtful consideration of what is right and wrong. With this new awareness, individuals are able to reflect on their current moral compass and either confirm or amend it accordingly.

Sample Solution

Yes, I do believe that ethical characteristics can evolve over time. As people gain more experience and are exposed to different situations, their values and beliefs may change. This change is most often seen in young adults who have had the opportunity to take courses on ethics or have been presented with challenging ethical dilemmas that require thoughtful consideration of what is right and wrong. With this new awareness, individuals are able to reflect on their current moral compass and either confirm or amend it accordingly.

In addition to gaining moral intelligence through life experiences, we can also learn from those around us by observing how others handle difficult issues. There are many examples of individuals who have taken risks for others’ well-being which proves that no matter the circumstances, some will always stand up for what they believe in even if it means sacrificing something important to them such as reputation money career prospects etcetera… Such inspiring stories serve as great motivation encouraging more people join efforts end unethical practices society today! Finally using tools technologies like online forums discussion threads blogs help spread knowledge topics far faster than before allowing greater chance reaching wider audience exposing them facts protest against injustices world peace unity – something need all strive achieve!

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