Employer expectations of skills

Investigate professional employer expectations of skills, abilities and competences within a Assistant Manager role, give a example of two self-evaluation skills/competences questionnaires(VAC and Honey and Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire File ) and how they can...

Employee Handbook

Company Background & Operating Environment Red Clay Renovations is an internationally recognized, awarding winning firm that specializes in the renovation and rehabilitation of residential buildings and dwellings. The company specializes in updating homes using...

Recruiting and Selecting New Employees

You are a store manager at a natural beauty supply store, NatureU, a small chain that has three locations in within 25 miles of one another. One of your day-shift managers, Rochelle, has just let you know she was just accepted into medical school, and will be moving...

Employee Diversity

Based on your past experiences and the knowledge gained during your course work. consider the following question. and post a substantive initial post:The diverse employee selection and retention human resource (HR) functions in health care have legal and ethical...

Ethical Issue in Staffing

Consider the following scenario and provide your analysis and recommended course of action. You have been the director of human resources at a mid-sized manufacturing firm for about six months. The hiring process consists of HR advertising, screening applicants for...