A snack food company.

    choose a business you’d like to use for your future course assignments. Throughout this course, you will develop assignments that you will later combine into a complete business plan for your chosen company. That final assignment is due in Week 10....

Developments in technology and science

    You have examined three sources that show how developments in technology and science can bring about big changes in our lives and expand our knowledge, too. In general, have these developments improved our lives? Or would our lives be better without...

Food safety

              Develop a position paper applying public finance and public choice to a contemporary topic in the field utilizing the existing academic literature. Papers are expected to be at least 10 pages in length (excluding the...

Inter-relationship between nutrition

Option One: Find a current (within three years) peer-reviewed journal article on a toxin that you or a family member or friend may have been exposed to. What is the issue or problem? Are their solutions that are practical and relevant? Develop your findings in the...


Would you rather be deficient in thiamin, pantothenic acid, niacin, or riboflavin?Why did you choose that one, and why not the others? First you need to talk about the vitamins you woulnt choose to be decient in and why you wouldnt and then talk about the vitamin you...