Why to study drama

In the resource “Why to Study Drama,” it is stated that “By understanding drama, you can learn to understand anyone, anywhere, anytime. Plays often capture the essence of a culture or a group within that culture. They reveal the attitudes and opinions of their day.”...

Play Analysis

I. After reading Chapter 3 and the play assigned to your Production Team, write in a Word document and post(hit Reply and attach) or copy/paste a short narrative (about a page long, logically constructed in fullsentences, 12’, single-spaced) in response to the...

Rasa, Kutiyattam Concept Apply in Plautus, Pseudolus

1.Review the following readings:Plautus, Pseudolus; Zarrilli et al., “Indian Literary and Commemorative Drama and Theatre”; Bhasa,Urubhangam (The Shattered Thigh); podcast, “Learning about Kutiyattam with Dr. Erin Mee”. And also someexamples of my colleagues so that...

Theaters during the Renaissance

Theaters during the Renaissance era were beautiful public works where noble and peasant were both welcome. Queens would sit in the highest chair with their entourage in regal silence while the common people would whoop and holler on the floor level while drinking...

Commedia characters

First, watch the commedia dell’arte workshop video. Then go to the commedia dell’arte website linked. Look around the site to get general information. Click on the masks to view what character each mask represents and read about the physical and other...