For Part 1 you need to: • create a genogram to visually depict the family’s structure (template and exemplar provided)

• summarise the structure of the family to demonstrate your understanding of the family assessment findings

• identify and briefly describe two (2) strengths of the family you are assessing using the Australian Family Strengths Nursing Assessment Guide (AFSNAG).

• Identify issues/challenges for the family or a member of the family you have selected. These issues may be identified by the nurse, family or both.

a) Describe the issue

b) Plannursingcare

c) Implement nursing care
d) Evaluate nursing care Other Instructions:

Provide a relevant nursing goal and justify the goal (explain why it is relevant to the issue) using appropriate evidence or policies. o Outline one nursing intervention that supports the family to achieve the goal. Each nursing intervention should be supplemented by the recommendation of an existing online resource for the family and an a o Describe how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention to address whether

Describe how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention to address whether it met the planned goal of care.







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