Students are required to write an essay assessing their achievements on their placement. This writing is in response to the order 82053666 Assessment Description: This assessment is in two parts of equal value: Part A (1250 words – This part is a self-reflection, written in the 1st person): You are required to write an essay assessing your achievements in your placement against the goals set in your learning contract. You should assess each goal on your learning contract as well as each learning outcome as indicated in the first page of this assessment brief. You should carefully compare each of your goals with the achievements that you were able to produce on your placement, also referring to the Assessment Brief Program Master of Counselling and Applied Psychotherapy Subject Practicum 2: Clinical Placement Subject code CLN501A Name of assessment Assessment 2: Observation and Critical Reflection Length 2500 words Learning outcomes addressed by this assessment: This assessment addresses learning outcomes a-e Submission Date: Week 12 Lecturer Name Yolanda Waldman Assessment brief Summary: Students are required to write an essay assessing their achievements on their placement Total marks 100 Weighting 70% Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10% penalty per day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 40 will incur a 4 mark penalty per day. Furthermore, students must attempt all tasks in the unit, and attend a minimum of 80% of classes to be eligible to pass the unit. More information can be found in Think Education Assessment Policy document on the Think Education website ( appropriate learning outcomes on the previous page. This is a self-reflective essay, so it is to be written in the first person. You are not required to provide academic references for Part A. Part B (1250 words – This part is a critical reflection on your placement organisation, written in the 3rd person): You are required to write a critical reflection/evaluation of the organisation in which you participated according to the following criteria: ? Does the organisation have a clear vision or mission statement? ? Are the goals of the organisation achievable and regularly updated? ? How does the organisation collaborate with other organisations and the wider community? ? Does the organisation offer both short and long-term services and programs, and why (not)? ? How does the organisation attract funding, and can you suggest ways to increase donations? ? Briefly describe the client intake, management and referral process. This essay will incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion but Part A will not require references as it is essentially a self-reflective piece of writing. However, if you do choose to include appropriate and relevant references, standard referencing rules apply as outlined below. No marks will be deducted if you do not include references, however, if you incorporate incorrectly referenced material, marks will be deducted. Part B will require at least seven references, one of which may include the organisation’s website. Marking Criteria: Word count, readability, and structure 10% (7) Number and choice of appropriate references 20% (14) In-text references and reference list 10% (7) Answering the question and responding to the topic 30% (21) Links to theories and concepts 30% (21) Total: 100% (70)