CMSRNs’ Continuing Competence Methods and Perceived Value of Certification: A Descriptive Study by Diane K. Boyle Sarah A. Thompson
Locate the literature review section. Summarize using your own words from one of the study/literature findings. Be sure to identify which study you are summarizing.
Discuss how the author’s review of literature (studies) supported the research purpose/problem. Share something that was interesting to you as you read through the literature review section.
Describe one strategy that you learned that would help you create a strong literature review/search for evidence. Share your thoughts on the importance of a thorough review of the literature

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Literature Review Summary

In the study “CMSRNs’ Continuing Competence Methods and Perceived Value of Certification: A Descriptive Study” by Diane K. Boyle and Sarah A. Thompson, one of the literature findings discusses how nurses who maintain specialty certification demonstrate higher levels of competence and improved patient outcomes compared to those who do not hold certifications. The review highlights that certification is associated with increased knowledge and adherence to evidence-based practices in nursing.

Support for Research Purpose/Problem

The author’s review of literature supported the research purpose by establishing a strong foundation of evidence regarding the benefits of maintaining certification in nursing practice. By citing various studies that demonstrated the positive impact of certification on competence and patient care outcomes, the authors were able to justify the need to explore how Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurses (CMSRNs) maintain their competence and perceive the value of their certification. This supported the research problem by framing it within the context of existing knowledge and gaps in understanding regarding certification in nursing.

Interesting Insight

One interesting aspect of the literature review was the emphasis on how certification not only enhances individual nurse competence but also contributes to overall healthcare quality. The review highlighted how certified nurses are more likely to stay updated on best practices, engage in lifelong learning, and provide evidence-based care to patients. This interconnectedness between individual competence and healthcare system outcomes was particularly intriguing as it underscored the broader implications of certification beyond individual professional development.

Strategies for Creating a Strong Literature Review

One strategy that I learned from this literature review is the importance of conducting a comprehensive search for evidence from various reputable sources. Utilizing multiple databases, exploring both published and unpublished literature, and critically evaluating the quality of studies included can help in creating a robust and well-rounded literature review. It is essential to consider diverse perspectives, methodologies, and findings to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Importance of Thorough Literature Review

A thorough review of the literature is crucial as it forms the backbone of any research study. It provides a theoretical framework, establishes the current state of knowledge, identifies gaps in research, and helps in shaping research questions and hypotheses. A comprehensive literature review not only demonstrates the researcher’s understanding of the topic but also ensures that the study is built on a solid foundation of evidence. By synthesizing existing knowledge, researchers can contribute meaningfully to their field and advance understanding in a systematic and informed manner.


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