Choose one of the 1 Security Topics from the Management of Information Security Book and write your final paper educating the reader on that topic. Use the sub-categories for each Security Topic presented in the book as a guide to your content for the paper.

Chapter 2 Compliance: Law and Ethics
Chapter 3: Governance and Strategic Planning for Security
Chapter 4: Information Security Polic
Chapter 5: Developing the Security Program
Chapter 6: Risk Management: Assessing Risk
Chapter 7: Risk Management: Treating Risk
Chapter 8: Security Management Models
Chapter 9: Security Management Practices
Chapter 10: Planning for Contingencies
Chapter 11: Security Maintenance
Chapter 12: Protection Mechanisms
This proposal should be an annotated outline of your paper. Use sample # 2 and 3 as your guide. The samples can be found here. Only write outlines describing what you are going to write about. Do not write paragraphs but make sure it is in outline form.

Content for the paper should have the following at a minimum:

Introduction to the topic
A description of the each area of the topic
How each area provides security for an organization

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