For one out of the following four hypothetical scenarios, explain how, if you were a justice on the Supreme Court, you would rule. Your ruling should take the form of an essay and set forth the following points in order: 1.A brief synopsis of the relevant facts; 2.A citation to the specific portion of the Constitution that is relevant, if there is one, ideally with a direct quote from the Constitution; 3.A summary of the arguments for each side in this case; and 4.Your opinion in the matter; be sure to include citations to previous Supreme Court case(s) that support your decision, and, if you are aware of any cases that are contrary to your position, explain how and why they do not apply here. Scenario 1 In West Sussex Alabama district judge Robert Favre runs a very formal courtroom where justice is handed out quietly but swiftly. The formality of Favre’s courtroom is demonstrated by the fact that he runs all proceedings with an iron fist. Additionally, the judge begins every day with a prayer that asks God to allow him to act judiciously and fairly when dealing with defendants. These prayers, while non-denominational, are read by different members of the clergy each week. The pool of clergy includes several Presbyterian ministers; a few Catholic priests, but is mostly comprised of Southern Baptist ministers from the surrounding counties. These ministers are not paid, but on those days that they read the Court’s prayer, they are provided with breakfast at a local coffee shop across from the courthouse. To also help him serve justice, and to “show his place under God,” judge Favre carved a replica of the stone tablets upon which the Ten Commandments were written.

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