Part One:
Write a word for word transcription of parts or all of a conversation that your record. Construct it like a script. In the transcription you must label each line: Shift/ Shift to shift shift to share, background acknowledgement, supportive assertion, supportive question, change of topic, continuation of topic, pauses, speed and pace, volume, overlapping of two participants speaking at the same time, Turn taking, Gender specific language etc.
Part Two: Analysis
1. Brief summary of the conversation including Characters, plot and social context of the conversation. Include age, gender, race, ethnicity, occupation and social class of the participants. Describe the setting 2. Use Derber to appropriately label and discuss who controls the conversation and explain how. Label and discuss turn taking, control of topic, shift and support responses, minimal use, civility, etc. COUNT the shifts, supports, interruptions and topics to determine who the conversational narcissist is. 3. Use your bookmark as well as lecture on “gender talk” the describe and label women’s and men’s language in the conversation 4. Use the bookmark to discuss and label evidence of different speech patterns by race, ethnicity and social class 5. Analyze the actions of the participants as well as the content of the conversation. When you examine content ask: Are there topics which are specific to race, class, or gender? (Who does the Swearing? Who talks about sports? Clothes? Food? Relationships?) 6. What is the sociological significance of what you observed? Analyze the actions of the participants as well as the content of the conversations? 7. What are your conclusions and personal reflections? Did your research reveal something unexpected? Something Ironic? What did you learn from it?
1) How do I begin? BEGIN NOW! Start collecting tape recordings of ordinary conversations between 3-5 people.
2) Should I Participate? Yes, if you normally would. Don’t try to be any more or any less active in the conversation.
3) How long should the recording be?
At least 30 mins. When transcribing it you can edit out the parts that you feel are not well suited for analysis.







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