1. Partition your raw data into three parts: Pre-Covid, During Covid, and Post-Covid (Call this
new Excel file: Excel-2:-Covid)

Pre-Covid: from January 2012 to February 2020

During-Covid: from March 2020 to December 2021.

Post-Covid: January 2022 to February 2023
2. Pre-Covid – in Excel, create a new column of remittance data from January 2012 to February
2020 ( Find the descriptive statistics for the Pre-Covid period. Copy and paste this information
to your Word Research Paper and create a nice table
3. During Covid – In Excel, create a new column of remittance data from March 2020 to
December 2021. Find the descriptive statistics for the During-Covid period. Copy and paste
this information to your Word Research Paper and create a nice table.
4. Post Covid – In Excel, create a new column of remittance data from January 2022 to
December 2022 (it would be great if you could find remittance data until February 2023).
Find the descriptive statistics for the Post-Covid period. Copy and paste this information to
your Word Research Paper and create a nice table.
5. Analyze your descriptive statistics per country for the Pre-Covid, During-Covid, and Post-Covid
periods. What do you see? What are the differences and similarities? Have remittances mean
or average increased or decreased? Has the standard deviation (volatility) increased or
decreased? Compare your analysis across countries. What country has increased/decreased
more? What country has had more/less volatility? Make sure you add your own arguments to
explain the data results. (at least 300 words)
6. Find the average remittances amount of each Covid period (pre, during, and
post),and create a table with this information and discuss the difference between the
countries (at least 150 words)
7. References: Include all the references and sources used for this topic


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