The task for your second assignment is to choose one of the topics/themes covered on Diversity Management and identify a current news article on which to develop and write an essay. More specifically, you should find a news item featured on the BBC News website (, The Guardian (, or the CIPD website ( from the past 12 months and establish a relationship between the issue in the news item and the material covered on this course.
In your essay provide an informed, critical commentary on the issues raised in the news story. Please note that this should not take the form of a case study analysis. Rather, the news article should act as a catalyst for a more general commentary on the salience of the issue, its evolution, and its implications for managing diversity in the workplace.
Criteria for your news article
The news item must be:
• about equality and diversity issues in the workplace
• from the BBC News website (, The Guardian
(, or the CIPD website (
• published within the past 12 months
You are required to choose your news article by university week 19 (23rd January 2018) and have it signed off by your tutor at the seminar (please use the “Assignment proposal pro forma” on Moodle). Each week 2-3 students will be allocated to present for 6 minutes on their assignment proposal. This is an opportunity for each of you to receive peer feedback as well as tutor feedback on your ideas. Your Assignment proposal pro forma will be signed off by your tutor after you have presented and discussed your news article and ideas at the seminar. The form must then be included as an appendix to your submitted assignment. Please note also that there is a space on the pro forma for the full URL of the story you have chosen which you must also supply.
A successfully completed assignment will be consistent with the following guidelines:
• Be appropriately structured, written, presented and referenced (using the Harvard style, see
• Feature an appropriate equality and diversity management issue with sufficient currency,
substance and relevance to this course and its learning outcomes (properly justified) to merit
analysis and debate
• Feature and make substantial reference to a range of theories and concepts
• Engage in a critical debate which evidences deep insight into an contextual awareness of the topic
in hand
• Word limit: 2500 (not including reference list).