Conduct a literature review and identify an at-risk patient population for non-compliance and develop an action plan.
Write an engaging and informative paper that would be helpful for someone in the discipline wanting to learn about the identified at-risk patient population for non-compliance and proposed action plan


Sample Solution

A literature review on the at-risk patient population for non-compliance and its associated action plan is essential to understand the complexities of this issue. Non-compliance with medical advice and prescriptions can lead to serious health risks, as well as a decrease in medical efficacy due to missed doses or inadequate treatment protocols. This problem is compounded when dealing with vulnerable patient populations such as those who are elderly, low-income, uninsured/underinsured, homeless, mentally ill, or living in rural areas.

Sample Solution

A literature review on the at-risk patient population for non-compliance and its associated action plan is essential to understand the complexities of this issue. Non-compliance with medical advice and prescriptions can lead to serious health risks, as well as a decrease in medical efficacy due to missed doses or inadequate treatment protocols. This problem is compounded when dealing with vulnerable patient populations such as those who are elderly, low-income, uninsured/underinsured, homeless, mentally ill, or living in rural areas.

In exploring the causes of non-compliance in these groups it has been found that factors such as age, education level, beliefs about medications and treatments prescribed by doctors (e.g., distrust), language barriers (especially in immigrant groups), lack of access to healthcare resources (e.g., transportation difficulties or cost limitations) can all contribute to an individual’s decision not to follow doctor’s orders. Additionally, certain comorbid conditions such as cognitive impairment (including dementia) have their own unique set of complications that need addressing when developing an action plan for medical compliance.

In order address issues related non-compliance among at risk populations , multidisciplinary teams must be assembled include specialists reaching patients care providers right down grassroots community organizations providing basic necessities . Strategies should focus not only immediate needs terms gaining compliance but also long term solutions ensure sustained maintenance improved lives individuals suffer from chronic mental physical illnesses . For instance , educational materials outlining proper use medications translated into multiple languages distributed throughout clinics hospitals local communities help create better understanding why treatments necessary taken seriously .

Furthermore , increasing accessibility healthcare services through mobile technology telehealth initiatives connecting underserved remote areas primary care centers proving invaluable providing quality communication support remotely reducing possibility missing doctor appointments resulting further deterioration condition . Special attention be paid helping disadvantaged elderly disabled adults receive adequate coverage financial aid ensuring they receive appropriate medicine needed daily basis . Finally , improving cultural competency mental health professionals creating safe spaces discussing issues faced particular minority groups promoting awareness importance medication adherence key establishing positive trusting relationships between patient physician …

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