Rough Draft Your goal with this project is to contribute new knowledge to our understanding of one of the plays Oedipus, Hamlet, The Three Uses of the Knife, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Disgraced. You will do this by developing an original research question and conducting research to answer that question. You will begin by finding a specific opportunity for conversation (something that interests you). You will then go through a process that will prove useful as you undertake research assignments in future courses: 1: develop an original research question 2: find reliable sources that help you answer that question 3: read and annotate those sources in an optional but highly recommended annotated bibliography 4: present your answer to that question (your claim) . 4 Include relevant quotations You are not restricted in the evidence you use in this essay. To the challenge of locating an opportunity for conversation and formulating a question, therefore, this assignment adds the tricky task of finding reliable and relevant sources and analyzing them to answer your question. If done well, your claim will serve as a theory that could be tested against the research other students have conducted.
Details: 4 Include relevant quotations Your rough drafts should be formatted according to MLA guidelines, which you can find in the syllabus and at: https://owl.purdue.edutowUresearch_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_styleguide/mia_general formahtml
































































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