

What does a requirements report outline? What are acceptance criteria? Research standards organisations and write brief report: Base report on one of the standards organisations given in detailed activities. What should acceptance criteria be evaluated in terms of? What three important development artefacts should acceptance criteria be based on?


What step is required after the acceptance criteria have been defined? What does the test plan provide? List three resources required for the acceptance test. What is black box testing? What is white box testing? Why should any data required for the acceptance test be input into the system functionality itself?


What is the objective of the review and validation of the test plan? Why do you think that the review should be someone independent and not the test author? List three criteria the review should address?


Client should be closely involved in the development of acceptance criteria, test plan and relevant resources need. Client will be expected to accept “at the end of testing process”. Which would range from condition not to implement, to full implementation. Prepare a list of key evaluation references that the client should undertaken for acceptance test.


What should the client be made aware of regarding the acceptance test? What commitment is the desired goal after the acceptance test?– What should be provided to enable client training prior to the acceptance test? List four things the client should be requested to provide.


What is proofing content? Why is it not a good idea to manually check for broken links? What is a better solution? What is the official body to check for standards compliance for websites? What is usability testing? What is load testing? What is security testing? What is penetration testing? What sort of environment should be set up to conduct the various tests on a website?



On September 11th 2001, millions of people across the world turned to the Internet to find out more about the terrorist attacks in New York. This created abnormally high traffic levels for virtually every major online news site. Try to find out what plans news sites had in place to deal with catastrophe like this and how the major sites coped.

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