Assuming that the infinitive marker to is located under T (since it is in complementary distribution with tense marking), give either a bracketed version of sentence (1) or a tree representing sentence (1). NB: You do not have to include every node; just include/mark the major phrasal categories, and assign a category to each individual word.
(1) Bella forced me to dance.

Now consider (2)-(4). Does your structure seem to extend to these sentences as well? If there is a sentence that your structure does not seem to fit, explain why. (You do not have to give any more bracketed sentences or trees.)
(2) Bella wanted me to dance.
(3) Bella promised me to dance.
(4) Bella persuaded me to dance.

Now consider the data in (5)-(8). What problem arises if you try to give a labelled bracketing or a tree? That is, what part of our current grammar do these sentences seem to violate? (Tip: It may help to give an attempted bracketing or tree and say what goes wrong.)
(5) Bernie tried to dance.
(6) Bernie started to dance.
(7) Bernie hoped to dance.
(8) Bernie planned to dance.


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