Paul is a 31-year-old man who was recently arrested for shooting a store manager during a robbery. He has a history of aggression and violating the law, including burglary, robbery, assault, and numerous drug charges. He is a high school dropout and has never been able to hold a job. When he first meets someone, he can come across as engaging, funny, and charming. He has been in numerous relationships; however, in those relationships, he was emotionally detached and parasitic, as well as verbally and physically abusive. He has a volatile temperament and no sense of obligation or responsibility to anyone. His crimes often display a complete lack of empathy for his victims. Case Study #2 David is a 37-year-old man who was recently arrested and charged with the kidnapping, rape, and murder of two women. David is a college graduate, married with two children, and has worked for the city as a zoning enforcement officer for 23 years. He is extremely controlling, dominating, and verbally abusive in his relationships with his wife and children. Friends describe him as gregarious, smooth, and charming. Those who work with him or have dealt with him in his employment say that he can become arrogant, dominating, and aggressive when challenged.

Identify the case study you selected. Explain whether the primary offender demonstrates features of a disciplined psychopath or an undisciplined psychopath. Provide examples to support your conclusion. Explain how these features differ from those displayed by individuals with antisocial personalities or narcissism. Explain the challenges a forensic psychology professional might have working with individuals with antisocial personality disorder or psychopathy.




Sample Solution

I have selected Case Study #1. Paul, the primary offender, displays features of an undisciplined psychopath. His history of aggression and criminal behavior demonstrates his lack of discipline and inability to abide by laws or social norms. This is further evidenced by his inability to hold a job and his volatile temperament that lacks empathy for the victims he has targeted in the past. Examples of this include his shooting of a store manager during a robbery and numerous incidents where he violated the law through burglary, assault, or drug charges.

Sample Solution

I have selected Case Study #1. Paul, the primary offender, displays features of an undisciplined psychopath. His history of aggression and criminal behavior demonstrates his lack of discipline and inability to abide by laws or social norms. This is further evidenced by his inability to hold a job and his volatile temperament that lacks empathy for the victims he has targeted in the past. Examples of this include his shooting of a store manager during a robbery and numerous incidents where he violated the law through burglary, assault, or drug charges.

The features displayed by individuals with antisocial personalities or narcissism differ from those displayed by individuals with psychopathy in several ways. Those with antisocial personality disorder tend to have difficulty conforming to social norm due to their disregard for rules and regulations as well as their tendencies towards impulsive behavior; however, they are still able to understand right from wrong and feel emotions such as guilt or remorse when confronted about their actions while those with psychopathy demonstrate little capacity for understanding moral principles or feeling any kind of remorseful emotions which sets them apart from other types of offenders. Narcissistic individuals tend to be more self-centered than those with psychopathy since they possess inflated views regarding their own importance which can lead them into acts that display either entitlement mentality or extreme vanity whereas psychopathy does not share these characteristics in terms of motivation behind one’s actions.

The challenges a forensic psychologist may face when working with individuals diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) are due primarily to the lack of willingness on behalf of the individual participate in treatment in order for it make a difference in their lives. Additionally, since ASPD is caused both geneticallyand environmentallyit can be difficult for psychologists try help someone who may have been conditioned over long periods time exhibit certain traits that are now deeply entrenched within themselves even if they do agree seek out help intervention techniques employed might affect at best only surface level changes without any lasting impact on person’s overall behavior pattern true rehabilitation occurs require much greater effort cooperation between parties involved something often not seen cases involving ASPD Another challenge associated working clientspsychopathsis fact they unable feel emotion shame guilt what done making difficult apply traditional punishment models attempting encourage pro-social behaviors instead end up simply reinforcing existing patterns thinking behaviors Finally dealing narcissistic patients presents unique set issues mainly due prevalence need validation reinforcement positive self-image Even though type problem definitely seen among other offenders likeaspatientsproper treatment requires extensive specialized knowledge expertise ensure effective outcomes

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