The purpose of this assignment is to increase awareness of your personal impact on our world by determining
the potential size of your Ecological Footprint.
To complete this assignment, complete the following:
1) Complete the Eco Footprint quiz found on D2L (Materials -> Content -> Week by week -> Week 1)
2) After completing the eco footprint quiz, complete the tables and questions that follow
1) Which eco footprint categories scored the highest? The lowest? How can you lower these numbers?
Table 1: Comparing your eco footprint with other countries.
Which category(s) were highest and lowest? Strategies to lower highest score
Water Use
Energy Use
What is your ecological footprint in Earth equivalents?
_____ Earths (from quiz)
What is your ecological footprint in terms of acreage needed to
support your lifestyle? _____
Acres (from quiz)

Hectares (Acres/2.47)
How do you compare to footprints of other countries?
Data is current as of 2012. Hectares How countries compare to World Average The United State of America 7.2 (7.2/2.7) = 2.67
Canada* 6.4
Mexico* 3.3
Brazil* 2.9
Afghanistan* 0.5
Haiti* 0.6
Indonesia* 1.1
China* 2.1
France* 4.9
Israel* 4.0
Rwanda* 0.7
World Average* 2.7 (2.7/2.7) = 1.0
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette
2) Looking at your footprint (in hectares) needed to supply your lifestyle, how many more people (on a world average
basis) could be supported by your lifestyle?
3) Pick one other country to compare yourself to. How many people could your lifestyle support in that country?
Show your work.
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette

2: Age Structure Diagram

Due Dates
● 10/4/20 by 11:59pm
Age structure diagrams are tools that demographers (human population experts) use to understand
human population dynamics. These diagrams show the distribution by ages of females and males within a
certain population in graphic form. Demographers use these diagrams to try and predict how the population
will grow. Knowing how a population will change over time can help with policy decision making as well as
resource allocation. For example, will more schools need to be built in the next 5 years? If so, how many and
where? Will there be enough employment for the next generation of workers? Is there adequate social
security for a growing retired population?
The purpose of this assignment is to understand the use and importance of age structure diagrams in
determining population growth.
Skills and Knowledge: The skills and knowledge you will acquire that will help you in this class include
1) Creating age structure diagrams
2) Analyzing and interpreting age structure diagrams
To successfully complete this assignment, follow the steps below.
1) Go to the following YouTube link to learn how to make an age structure diagram (also known as a population
i. (2min, 33sec.)
ii. Note: though the speaker is using a computer program, but you can also just as easily construct a
diagram on graph or regular paper with a pencil and ruler.
iii. You may also want to research other videos on how to create such a diagram
2) Use the 2018 data set for Minnesota found on the next page to complete the criteria section.
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette
Criteria for success
To do well on this assignment complete the following.
1) (4pts) Make an age structure diagram based on the MN data above. You may draw it on graph paper, plain
paper, or in Microsoft Excel. If using plain paper, be sure to use a ruler as accuracy is important!
2) (1pt) Clearly identify the three main age groups (pre-reproductive, reproductive, and post-reproductive)
on your diagram.
3) (2pts) Based on the structure of your diagram, how might MN’s population change in the next 15 years? Explain.
4) (2pts) How does the total fertility rate (TFR) compare to replacement level fertility (RLF)? Explain.
5) (1pt) What problems or issues might arise in this population if trends continue as they are? Discuss.
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette

3: Invasive Species

Name: ____________________________ Score: _____/10________
Due Date
● 10/11/2020 by 11:59pm
The purpose of this assignment is to introduce you to the concept of invasive species (what they are, what they do, and why
they are important).
Skills and Knowledge: The skills and knowledge you will develop that will help you succeed in this class and beyond is to
learn how to:
● Identify a native species from a non-native/invasive species
● Provide examples of invasive species in the Great Lakes
● Explain the harm invasive species can have on ecosystems and economies
● List ways to combat and prevent the spread of invasive species
Task and Criteria for Success
Answer the questions below from a Films on Demand video titled “Aquatic Invaders: The Rising Tide of Non-Native Invasive
Species”. This 28 minute film can be access via the following link
1) What is the difference between a native and non-native species? How does a species become invasive?
2) How many aquatic species become “stowaways” within the ballast water of ocean bound ships?
3) Why do you suppose alien species do so well in new habitats? What is biological pollution?
4) How many species (in total) have been identified as invaders in the Great Lakes today (not as mentioned in the
film)? Find current research on this and provide your source(s).
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette
Continued on next page…
5) Describe what makes the following invasive species successful invaders and the impacts they have.
6) What are some other ways aquatic species can spread from body of water to body of water?
7) How are invasive species being managed today?
8) True or False: Once an aquatic species is established it is virtually impossible to eradicate.
Name Why They’re Successful Impact
Zebra mussels
Round goby*
Eurasian ruffe
Sea lamprey
Eurasian water milfoil
Purple loosestrife
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette

4: Food Waste

Name: Score: /10
Due Dates
● 11/1/2020 by 11:59pm
In 2010, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), there were about 1 billion
chronically undernurished and malnurished people – 1 of every 7 people on the planet. The FAO estimates that,
each year, nearly 6 million children under age 5 die prematurely from chronic hunger and malnutrition and from
increaed susceptibility to normally nonfatal infectious diseases (ex: measles, diarrhea); that’s an average of 11
children/minute dying from these causes (
According to the EPA, in 2014 more than 38 million tons of food was wasted in the U.S., most of which
ends up in landfills or combustion facilities (
The prupose of this assignment is to increase your awareness of food waste in this country and more
importantly as an individual. Managing food and food waste sustainably is vital to saving money and saving
Skills and Knowledge: The skills and knowledge you will aquire that will help you to be successful in
this class and beyond college are the following:
1) Collecting and analyzing data
2) Communicating results
3) Researching solutions to food waste
Tasks and Criteria for Success
To successfullly complete this assignmnmet, follow the steps below.
1) (2pts) For a period of one week, complete the table on the next several pages to monitor your personal (not family)
food consumption and waste (if applicable). Attach additional sheets if necessary.
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette
Date Tim
with Which
Description of
Being Discarded:
(e.g. lasagna,
bananas, ham
sandwich w/
cheese, broccoli
State of
Food/Beverage at
Time of Discard:
Prepped (chopped,
prepared but not
cooked), Whole,
Inedible Parts, Other
to the
Packaging: If
wasted food
was in a
container when
estimate the
(dimensions or
volume). Do
not to include
labeled weight
on the
Date Tim
with Which
Description of
Being Discarded
State of
Food/Beverage at
Time of Discard
Weight Packaging D
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette
Tasks and Criteria for Success continued
2) (2pts) Determine the following:
a. Which meal is associated with the greatest amount of food waste (breakfast, lunch…)?
b. Which category(s) of food is often consumed? Discarded? Ex: fruits, veggies, dairy, grains, protein, other.
c. What is the most common discard destination?
d. What is the most common reason for loss?
3) (1pt) Create a pie chart illustrating
a. Food consumption by category (fruits, veggies…)
b. Food waste by category (fruit, veggie…)
c. Attach charts to this assignment.
4) (1pt) Summarize your food eating and wasting habits based off of your data.
5) (4pts) Research 4 governmental websites (.gov) that address food waste and describe one solution from each source
that can address the problem. Provide their citation information.
Citation Information Solution
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette

5: Water Footprint (1)

Due Date
● 11/8/20 by 11:59pm
Water is a vital natural resource that is taken for granted by many. According to the United Nations
, 2.1 billion
people lack access to safely managed drinking water services and water scarcity affects four out of every 10 people. The
purpose of this assignment is to calculate your water footprint in order to determine what areas of your life consume the
most water. After your total water footprint is calculated, you’ll be able to focus in on certain areas where you can reduce
water consumption in everyday life.
1) Complete both sections of the water footprint calculator below (Water Use and Water Savings)
2) Calculate your total household water footprint and total individual water footprint
3) Determine what your score means (water warrior, activist, or enthusiast)
4) Answer the questions at the end of the assignment.
WATER USE: added to final total

  1. How many people are in your household? = _____
  2. In which state do you live? _ (18 for KY, LA, ND, WY, WV; 6 for all others) = _
  3. How much water is used to generate electricity? (multiply #1 X #2) = _____
  4. Domestic (“household”) Water Use:
    Total for Domestic Water Use (add a – f) = __
  5. How many times each week do you water your lawn and garden? _ x171 gal/day = _
  6. Do you have a pool? If yes, add 52 points. Do you cover it? If no, add 16 points. = _
  7. Automobile:
    Use: How Many: Multiply by: Subtotal:
    Baths (per week) X 5 a.
    Showers (minutes) X 3 (gallons/minute) X number of people:


Toilets (people: #1) X 12 (gallons/day/person) c.
Sinks (minutes) X 3 (gallons/minute) X number of people:


Laundry (loads/week) X 4 e.
Dishes (loads/day) X 10 (gallons/load) f.
Use: How Many: Multiply by: Subtotal:
Gas (cars) X 5 a.
(cars) X 21 b.
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette
Total for Automobile (add a + b) = ____

  1. Diet:
    Total for Diet (add a – d) = ____
    WATER SAVINGS: subtracted from final total
  2. Recycling
    a. Paper: multiply #1 x 5 (gallons/day/person) = __
    b. Plastic: multiply #1 x 3 (gallons/day/person) = __
    c. Clothing: multiply #1 x 5 (gallons/day/person) = _
  3. Graywater and Rainwater
    a. Does your household reuse greywater? If yes, multiply #1 x 40 = _
    b. Does your household collect rainwater? If yes, add 9. If no, add zero = ___

    TOTAL HOUSHOLD WATER FOOTPRINT: (Add 3 – 8, Subtract 9, 10) =
    TOTAL INDIVIDUAL WATER FOOTPRINT: (Divide above result by #1) =
    WHAT DOES YOUR SCORE MEAN? The score for the average American is 1,190.
    900 & below: Water Warrior: Congratulations, you are doing better than most Americans! Give yourself a pat on the back for being
    water conscious. You have a thing or two to teach your neighbors, but there may still be ways to cut back on your water use.
    901-1,300: Water Activist: Not too shabby! Your water consumption is typical of most Americans. But as we know, Americans are
    among the highest water users worldwide. The good news is, there are many ways to use less water and decrease your footprint.
    1,301 & above: Water Enthusiast: Time for a water-use makeover! Your household is a thirsty one, even by American standards.
    Once you have completed the water footprint calculator for your family, answer these questions:
  4. (1pt) What category (1-10) has the largest number of points in your water footprint? (1pt)
  5. (6pts) Change the numbers in three different categories (1-10).
    a. Which categories did you change?
    b. By how much does your total water footprint change?
    c. Which category can make the biggest difference?
  6. (3pts) Do some online research to figure out how you can reduce your water footprint. Write three solutions
    below. Use APA or MLA format to cite all sources.
    Use: How Many: Multiply by: Subtotal:
    Meat Eating (vegans) X 446 a.
    (vegetarians) X 516 b.
    (meat eaters) X 1032 c.
    Bottled Water (people: #1) X 1.5 d.
    Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette

6: Energy Flyer

Due Date
● 11/22/2020 by 11:59pm
The purpose of this assignment is to become an energy expert by creating a personalized flyer advocating for
and selling a specific energy resource.
Skills: The skills you will acquire that will benefit you in this class and in other courses and beyond include:
● Researching primary and secondary sources
● Evaluating advantages and disadvantages of an energy resource
● Developing a “sales pitch”
Knowledge: The knowledge that will be gained from the assignment include:
● Non-renewable and renewable sources of energy
● Energy extraction methods
● Ecological, economic, and/or political impacts of energy consumption
To successfully complete this assignment, follow the steps outlined below.
1) Each student will create their own flyer.
2) Choose ONE energy resource below that you will research and create a flyer on.
a. Oil
b. Natural gas
c. Coal
d. Nuclear Energy
e. Solar
f. Hydropower
g. Wind power
h. Biomass
i. Geothermal
j. Hydrogen fuel
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette
Continued on next page…
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette
3) Produce a creative, fictional company name that specializes in that resource
4) Create a one-page flyer that CLEARLY shows the following:
a. Company name
b. Name of student involved in creating the flyer
c. Reasons why people should invest in your energy resource
i. Pros and Cons accompanied by accurate and current data (Example: prices, amounts, usage data….)
d. One paragraph “sales pitch” summarizing your resource convincing “buyers” that they should invest in you
5) Include a pictorial diagram/figure showing how the resource is extracted and/or used to generate/harness energy
a. Example: modern coal or nuclear power plant diagrams, wind turbine schematics….
6) ALL research must be referenced on the back side of the flyer following APA or MLA guidelines
7) Class voting
a. Submit your flyer to the appropriate D2L folder for later posting to the entire class for voting
Criteria for successful completion
1) (3pts) Flyer requirements
a. Size: one 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper
b. Typed
c. NO spelling & grammar errors
2) (5pts) Information requirements
a. Company name
b. Student name(s)
c. Investments reasons (pro/con)
d. Current data/statistics were given
e. Sales pitch
3) (1pt) References were cited using MLA or APA formatting
4) (1pt) Creativity
a. Company name
b. Flyer design
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette

7: Calculating Your Carbon Footprint

Due Date
● 11/29/20
Global climate change is something to which we all contribute because fossil fuel consumption plays such a
large role in supporting our lifestyles. Conversely, as individuals, each one of us can help to address climate
change through personal decisions and actions.
Several online calculators enable you to calculate your own personal carbon footprint (i.e. the amount of
carbon emissions for which you are responsible).
1) Complete the following Carbon Footprint Calculator at the website below:
2) Save your Carbon Footprint Report and submit it with this assignment.
3) Complete the questions in the criteria section.
1) (1pt) Provide carbon footprint report with this assignment.
2) (6pts) Complete the table below.
Your Household Carbon Footprint
Your Current Total CO2 Emissions (lbs. CO2/yr.)
New Total after planned actions (lbs. CO2/yr.)
U.S. Average (lbs. CO2/yr.)
Your planned actions are equal to:
Gallons of gas saved
Tress planted
Tons of waste recycled
Small actions add up.
Over 5 years, if 100 people copied your actions households would avoid:
Pounds of CO2 emitted
Equivalent gallons of gas burned
If you take all of the new actions you’ve selected:
Total dollars saved (annually)
Total pounds of CO2 reduced (annually)
All of the actions you are already doing:
Total dollars saved (annually)
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette
3) (2pts) What surprised you most about your carbon footprint? Explain.
4) (1pt) Which new action(s) are you most likely going to take on? Explain why.
Total pounds of CO2 reduced (annually)
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette

8: Campus Garbage Audit

Name: _____________________________ Score: _/10______________
Due Date
● 12/13/2020 by 11:59pm
According to the EPA in 2013, Americans generated about 254 million tons of trash and recycled and
composted about 87 million tons of this material, equivalent to a 34.3 percent recycling rate. On average, we
recycled and composted 1.51 pounds of our individual waste generation of 4.40 pounds per person per day (1).
The purpose of this assignment is to:
Skills and Knowledge: The skills and knowledge you will attain from this assignment include:
1) Evaluating issues of trash production at home/workplace
2) Creating a bar graph displaying trash and recycling generated at work/home
3) Analyzing data
4) Proposing recommendations for better waste management
1) You are your own group and will be recording data by yourself, not as a designated team (although you can elicit
help from family and friends)
2) Search for trash cans and recycle bins in your home, workplace, business, school, or other areas you frequently use
3) WITHOUT TOUCHING CONTENTS WITH YOUR HANDS, record (table 1 below) total # of trash cans inspected, total #
of recycle bins inspected, # of trash cans with recyclable material, # of recycle bins with recyclable material, # of
aluminum (Al) cans in trash cans, # of aluminum cans in recycle bins, # of plastic bottles in trash cans, and # of plastic
bottles in recycle bins
4) You are encouraged to visit as many rooms/areas as possible
5) When you are finished, enter your data in table 1. Add additional sheets if necessary.
Table 1: Use of trash and recycle bins around home, work, or other places.
Total #
Trash Bins
Total #


Bins w/


Bins w/

Al Cans

in Trash

Al Cans

in Recycle


Bottles in
Envi. Sci. 1110 Kyle Forgette
5) (2pts) Make a pie chart of your data from table 1. You may hand draw neatly or use computer software to create
the graph. Attach your graph to this assignment.
6) (1pt) How many total trash bins were inspected? Recycle bins?
7) (1pt) What percentage of total bins inspected were for trash? What percentage were for recycling?
8) (1pt) What percentage of trash bins had recyclable material in them?
9) (1pt) How many aluminum cans were counted? What percentage of them were found in trash bins? Recycle bins?
10) (1pt) How many plastic bottles were counted? What percentage were found in trash bins? Recycle bins?
11) (2pts) According to your observations and data, are the buildings you frequent using trash and recycling bins
appropriately? If so, why do you think so? Use the data you collected to back up your opinion.
12) (1pt) What recommendations do you have in order to better manage our waste?
1) Municipal Solid Waste. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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