There is not a question. However, you may respond to this post by taking a viewpoint on what the poster stated, for example, the writer mentions their facility uses an electronic coding support program which is an electronic coding assistant that tags data that may be helpful in coding a chart, well how is that so expound on this by adding value and or a different perspective.
In today’s health care data world, enough information has been obtained to begin to analyze it and use predictive analytics to make sense of large amounts of data and turn it into performance improvement opportunities or to take advantage of what it uncovers (Wilder, 2018). The data is also becoming more customer friendly, easier to use and can be integrated with artificial intelligence (Al) to create a robust care system (Wilder, 2018). Anything that gets measured and reported usually improves. Opportunities and areas of excellence can be described by collected data. By sharing the information, providers have a first-hand look at their performance and how they affect the system. My current facility is a report that was published interiorly that reflected the number of charting errors physicians had. They erroneously dictated a note on the wrong encounter number, causing the HIM department to correct it and send it back out to the physician for signature. Man hours are wasted and provider satisfaction is affected. The future is seemingly limitless. Our facility uses an electronic coding support program which is an electronic coding assistant that tags data that may be helpful in coding a chart. This has shown to increase documentation as well as increase revenue due to the ability to appropriately up-code. This provided the facility with an estimated 8-million-dollar revenue claim as opposed to the prior year. This system is a compliment, not a replacement for, our human coders and CDI’s.
Wilder, J. (2018, January 1). Unbroken HIT advancement in 2018 [Article]. Health Management Technology, 39(1), 6-11. Retrieved from https://eds-b-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.ocic.orgieds/detail/detail?vid=6&sid=51331be4-3a47-4d9c-87c7- 9a4b0d6dd98P/040sessionmgr102&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c210ZQ%3d%3d#AN=127587537&db=aci

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