1) 5-page paper: The purpose of this paper is threefold:
1) to conduct a literature review/background on an oral health related topic of interest to you, using at least 4 evidence-based sources,
2) to select an appropriate professional conference that you could present this poster at and provide a rationale for your choice (hypothetical; conference located in New Jersey) and
3) to select a research journal in which the paper you are creating the poster about could be published in (please do not use the journal it has been published in). Please provide a rationale for your choice. All citations should be in APA.

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Title: Enhancing Oral Health Literacy for Improved Dental Care Outcomes

Literature Review on Oral Health Literacy

Oral health literacy plays a crucial role in promoting better dental care outcomes and overall health. The ability of individuals to understand and act upon oral health information is essential for disease prevention, treatment adherence, and health maintenance. In a study by Jones et al. (2018), low oral health literacy was associated with poorer oral health status and increased risk of dental disease. Similarly, Lee and Rozier (2017) found that improved oral health literacy led to better oral hygiene practices and reduced incidence of dental caries.

Furthermore, interventions targeting oral health literacy have shown promising results. For instance, a community-based program described by Divaris et al. (2019) successfully increased oral health knowledge and self-efficacy among participants, leading to improved oral health behaviors. Additionally, a systematic review by Schiavo et al. (2018) highlighted the importance of tailored educational interventions in enhancing oral health literacy and empowering individuals to take control of their oral health.

Professional Conference Selection

For presenting a poster on the topic of enhancing oral health literacy, the “New Jersey Dental Association Annual Conference” would be an ideal professional conference. This conference gathers dental professionals, researchers, educators, and policymakers from across New Jersey to discuss the latest advancements in dentistry and oral health care. Presenting at this conference would provide an opportunity to engage with a diverse audience interested in oral health literacy and share insights on how improving literacy can lead to better dental care outcomes.

Research Journal Selection

The paper on enhancing oral health literacy could be submitted to the “Journal of Public Health Dentistry” for publication. This journal focuses on research related to oral health promotion, disease prevention, and public health interventions in dentistry. The rationale for choosing this journal lies in its emphasis on disseminating evidence-based practices and interventions that have the potential to improve population-level oral health outcomes. By publishing in the “Journal of Public Health Dentistry,” the research findings on enhancing oral health literacy could reach a wider audience of public health professionals, policymakers, and practitioners involved in promoting oral health education and awareness.

In conclusion, addressing oral health literacy is crucial for empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their oral health and improving dental care outcomes. By conducting further research, presenting findings at professional conferences like the “New Jersey Dental Association Annual Conference,” and publishing in reputable journals such as the “Journal of Public Health Dentistry,” efforts can be made to advance the field of oral health promotion and contribute to better oral health outcomes for communities.

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