In March 2017, the European Court of Justice ruled that employers may ban Islamic headscarves. As long as all religious symbols are also treated the same way, the court said no discrimination can be claimed.

Watch the video report from Deutsche Welle (DW) Brent Goff Reports for background and then address the discussion questions.

Brent Goff Reports. (2017, March 14). In Europe, no religion at work [Video file]. Retrieved from
1.How do you think the European case discussed in the video report would be decided in the United States? Why? Explain and support your answer.
2.Select a category (age, race, religion, marital status, criminal/incarceration history, pregnancy, sex, sexual identity, education level, parenthood, national origin, dress, economic status, military status, and so forth).
3.In the United States, how are individuals in the category that you selected protected from discrimination in employment? Be specific. Give examples.
4.For the category you have selected, how are U.S. protections different from or similar to protections in another country


A voluntary self-identification form required by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFFCP) for federal contractors asks job applicants with disabilities to self-identify as disabled. This form is designed to help federal contractors and subcontractors meet Section 503 regulations, which set a target of seven percent of the workforce comprised of employees with disabilities. Nationally, there is a high rate of unemployment among people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits businesses from asking specific questions about whether an applicant has a disability,

Start by watching this OFFCP video:

U.S. Department of Labor. Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) (October 2015) Disability Inclusion Starts with You. Retrieved at

Now, for your first post, defend or challenge one of the following positions (“a” or “b”):

a. The use of the voluntary form results in benefits for everyone. The use of the form leads to expanded opportunities for people with disabilities, Moreover, through use of the form, employers have a better understanding of the composition and needs of their workforce, leading to higher employee productivity, which, in turn, benefits society.


b. Applicants with disabilities should proceed with caution before self-identifying as disabled on this voluntary form. The employer may be able to satisfy some federal contracting requirements through these forms, but not every HR department is ethical and can be trusted to keep this information confidential in the hiring process. An applicant should wait until he or she is hired before deciding whether to disclose any disability; especially if the applicant has a non-apparent disability.

For either “a” or “b” above, bring in additional information from at least two reputable sources (library and/or Web-based). Also bring in your own personal experiences, as applicable.



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