Write an essay in which you present a problem that needs to be solved. You must clearly state this problem to the reader and make them see that it needs to be solved. Then, you must be able to give a solution or solutions to solve this problem. Use different ways to define the solution such as explaining it right away, building up to the solution by describing alternatives that are flawed, or raise objections to your solution and then be able to answer those objections. Also, you must use third person to write this essay. For example, use the following in your essay: He, She, It, One, His, Her, Its, Himself, Herself, itself, Them, Their, Themselves, or They.
Find a feasible solution to a problem and make a persuasive case in support of your stance. Flex your persuasive skills here and sway your reader over to your way of thinking instead!
In order to help you make the best possible case, you must use at least two and no more than three sources. These sources must come from the EBSCOhost or Films on Demand database. As such, you cannot cite Wikipedia as a source for your paper or any other website unless given special permission by me.
In evaluating your essay, I will consider the following key questions:
• Is the writer’s solution clear and persuasively presented? Are sufficient details provided to help the reader understand the writer’s solution? Does the writer’s presentation help persuade readers that this is an important and/or urgent issue?
• Does the writer present a well-supported case for the solution? Are reasons given logical and well-explained? Is the evidence offered convincing and clear?
• Is the research well-chosen and well-utilized? Does the writer use research that comes from authoritative sources? Does the writer introduce borrowed material effectively and clearly? Are sources used cited correctly in the essay and listed in a Works Cited page at the end of the paper?
• Is the essay organized and clear? Is the writing style clear and easy to understand?
• Is the essay relatively free of grammar errors? Has it been proofread carefully? Has it been spell-checked?
• Does the essay meet the word count requirements? Is the essay at least two (2) full pages in length and no more than three (3) pages?
• Does the essay use MLA formatting correctly?
For more details on essay requirements in this class, please see the Essays section on p. 2-3 of our course syllabus.
See “Chapter 7: Proposing a Solution” in our textbook for more advice and examples of this mode of writing. If you have any questions whatsoever about this assignment, do not hesitate to contact me. I am always happy to discuss your ideas and your work in progress.
Sample Solution