Ethical Aspects of Social Engineering
• Overview: Moral dilemmas of social engineering.
• Homework: For this week, the goal is to analyze and argue whether using social media platforms as a means of propaganda is ethical. Think broadly and write about the implications of using the utilitarian or deontological approach in public relations. You might read the Conceptual Ethics Approach to Fake News to jump-start your thinking.

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Ethical Aspects of Social Engineering: Analyzing the Use of Social Media Platforms as Propaganda


Social engineering refers to the manipulation and exploitation of human psychology to gain unauthorized access to information or resources. While commonly associated with cybersecurity, social engineering also has ethical implications when it is used to influence public opinion, behavior, or beliefs. This paper aims to explore the moral dilemmas of social engineering, specifically focusing on the ethical implications of using social media platforms as a means of propaganda. By analyzing this topic through the lenses of utilitarianism and deontology, we can gain insights into the ethical considerations involved in public relations and the dissemination of information.

The Ethical Dilemma of Using Social Media Platforms as Propaganda

Using social media platforms as a means of propaganda raises several ethical concerns. Propaganda involves the deliberate manipulation of information to influence public opinion or behavior towards a particular agenda. When social media is utilized for propagandistic purposes, it takes advantage of the widespread reach and influence of these platforms to shape public discourse and perceptions. This raises questions about the ethical responsibilities of those who engage in such practices.

Utilitarian Approach in Public Relations

The utilitarian approach in ethics focuses on maximizing overall happiness or utility for the greatest number of people. From a utilitarian perspective, using social media platforms as propaganda may be justified if it leads to positive outcomes for society as a whole. Advocates argue that propaganda disseminated through social media can be used to promote important social causes, raise awareness about significant issues, and mobilize support for positive change.

However, critics argue that the utilitarian approach can be problematic when it comes to propaganda. The potential for manipulation and deception poses risks to the public’s ability to make informed decisions. Manipulating information to achieve short-term gains may lead to long-term negative consequences, undermining trust and fostering division within society.

Deontological Approach in Public Relations

The deontological approach in ethics emphasizes adherence to moral principles and duties. From a deontological perspective, using social media platforms as propaganda raises concerns about respecting individuals’ autonomy and rights to receive accurate information. Deontologists argue that individuals have the right to make informed decisions based on unbiased information, and propagandistic practices violate this principle.

Critics also argue that propaganda undermines the principle of honesty and transparency, which are essential for maintaining trust in public communication. Manipulating information through propaganda erodes the credibility of public relations and can lead to a breakdown in relationships between organizations, individuals, and society at large.

Conceptual Ethics Approach: Fake News

The Conceptual Ethics Approach to Fake News provides valuable insights into the ethical considerations surrounding propaganda on social media platforms. Fake news refers to intentionally false or misleading information presented as factual news. The dissemination of fake news through social media can have severe consequences, including the spread of misinformation, polarization of society, and erosion of trust in traditional media sources.

From a conceptual ethics perspective, the responsibility lies with both content producers and consumers. Producers have an ethical duty to verify information before sharing it, ensuring accuracy and avoiding deliberate manipulation for personal or political gain. Consumers also have a responsibility to critically evaluate information they encounter on social media platforms, seeking out multiple perspectives and fact-checking claims before accepting them as truth.


The use of social media platforms as propaganda raises significant ethical concerns in public relations. Analyzing this issue through the lenses of utilitarianism and deontology provides insights into the moral considerations at play. While some argue that propaganda on social media can serve positive outcomes, critics highlight the risks associated with manipulation, deception, and erosion of trust.

It is essential for organizations and individuals engaging in public relations to uphold ethical principles such as honesty, transparency, respect for autonomy, and accuracy. Recognizing the potential consequences of propagandistic practices on social media is crucial for maintaining a healthy and informed public discourse. By fostering critical thinking skills and promoting responsible content production and consumption, we can navigate the ethical challenges posed by social engineering in today’s digital age.


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