I am giving you these questions in advance so that you can prepare to answer them in class. You will not be allowed to use notes, so it will be best to make sure you understand the question and the course materials. I will expect that you will answer the questions by using evidence from the course materials (not the internet). This includes all of the readings, videos, and lectures. You do not need to cite. Most importantly, I want to hear your voice. You will need to show your insight and opinions, which are rooted in evidence.


  1. How did national sectional division develop that led to the civil war? Discuss: different reasons that the colonies were founded, the different national visions of Hamilton and Jefferson and how these reflected the growing sectionalism. How did the Jackson Presidency exacerbate (make worse) the sectional division? Discuss the territorial compromises and the impact of the Dred Scott decision.


  1. The Declaration of Independence provides the quote “All men are created equal”. At the time of its writing do you believe that this was written as a reality or as an ideal to strive to? Who was left out of this ideology? Give examples of people during the time period of this course who worked to make this idea move closer to reality. Who were they? What did they fight for? Where they successful?  Do you think that the United States has achieved the goal of “All men are created equal” or is there still work to be done?


  1. When we speak of power, we think of those who have control over others. A king has power over his subjects, slave masters control their slaves, police have power over the people of their jurisdiction, parents over their children and often still, husbands over their wives. Those people who are subjugated are often considered to be powerless; however, agency (power from below) is a way that subjugated people can exhibit power. This can be in subtle ways such as spitting in the king’s food or in more obvious ways such as protests, riots, and uprisings. Based on the readings and videos that you watched in class, give examples of ways that subjugated people exhibited power from below to protest their subjugation. Were any of these methods effective?  Did they bring attention to the plight of the slave? Did this lead to help?  Make sure to give examples with explanations.



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