EBP Implementation Proposal Presentation

Recognize the dynamic relationship between nursing research evidence and its translation through EBP both as critical components of quality patient care and clinical decision-making.

Researching relevant literature (published research studies) in the development of your nursing research proposal (to generate new evidence) will provide a foundation for this assignment, creating a plan to translate best evidence into clinical practice.

Identify best evidence from established research in their area of interest from one of the published studies used for the literature review and create a plan utilizing key EBP principles and strategies for successful implementation of this evidence in a clinical setting.

Design plan/proposal for the integration of evidence-based research into a clinical practice setting that includes activities of quality assurance, quality improvement, and outcomes measurement

• Demonstrate the ability to recognize an area of clinical practice requiring improvement
• Demonstrate the ability to critically appraise evidence sources and their strength
• Demonstrate the ability to utilize EBP conceptual framework for the development of a plan for integration/implementation
• Engage in scholarly discussion for interchange of ideas, critique and feedback


• Student will conduct an integrative review of the literature utilizing evidence/guideline databases in the area of interest for practice improvement.

• Student will systematically review scientific evidence for its validity, reliability and practical application to clinical need/issue and synthesize results

• Students will evaluate relevant evidence that can be integrated into clinical practice for a meaningful practice outcome
o Perform appraisals of evidence-based practice guidelines for use in the clinical setting
o Identify relevant evidence based research applicable for use in the clinical setting

• Student will develop a proposal for integrating evidence into practice

• Student will create a compelling and scholarly presentation to articulate the proposed plan to colleagues

• Students will provide a scholarly critique of their peers proposals for feedback

Guidelines for Evidence Based Implementation Proposal Presentation

1. Identify an area of interest for a population need, educational initiative, practice problem, or clinical issue that requires improvement-develop a vision for change integrating best evidence into practice.
2. From the Research Study Summaries literature review select one best evidence-based research article in the area of clinical interest for proposed implementation.
3. Identify and utilize a conceptual EBP model for implementation that best fits the clinical situation/need.
4. Develop objective and strategies needed for engagement in the EBP process within the practice culture.
5. Identify barriers and strengths in evaluation of the practice environment’s culture and infrastructure.
6. Identify steps and related strategies for engagement in the practice environment to integrate evidence.
7. Develop a realistic timeline for implementation.
8. Identify a strategy for evaluation after the implementation of EBP.
9. Create a 15-minute presentation to colleagues outlining the clinical problem, current best evidence and strategies for implementation and evaluation.

10. Present this EBP Implementation Proposal to colleagues in a roundtable format on the assigned due date.
Roundtable format encourages discussion.

11. Encourage active audience colleague peer review, discussion, critique, and feedback to identify areas requiring further development.

12. Audience colleagues will offer the presenter scholarly critique with substantive feedback in contribution to the presenter’s proposal verbally in discussion during the presentation and a written feedback summary form will be provided to the presenter after the presentation. Verbal and written feedback will be used to assist in the further development of the implementation plan.

13. One week after the presentation, submit a one-page self -reflective statement which identifies what you have learned from this experience. Identify areas requiring further refinement based upon colleague feedback in the statement.
Student: __________________________________________ Grade: ________
Assignment I: EBP Implementation Proposal Presentation Grading Criteria

_____ Conceptual EBP Model: Model is appropriately identified and applied (10 pts)

_____ Objectives: Measureable objectives of the EBP Implementation plan identified (10 pts)

_____ Strategies: Strategies required for engagement in the EPB process identified (10 pts)

_____ Barriers & Strengths: Barriers and strengths in evaluation of the practice environment (10 pts)

_____ Strategies for Engagement Related to the Specific Practice Environment: (10 pts)
Steps and strategies for engagement specific to the practice environment for
successful integration/translation of evidence

_____ Timeline for Implementation: Realistic timeline for implementation discussed (10 pts)

_____ Evaluation Strategy: Strategy for evaluation after the implementation of the plan (10 pts)

_____ Lead Discussion: Presenter engages the audience in a substantive audience discussion (10 pts)
to promote feedback and critique

_____ Presentation Skills: adheres to 15 minute timeframe, clear and organized presentation (10 pts)
based upon evidence based resources

_____ Self Reflection: submission of a reflective statement which incorporates deep (10 pts)
self-reflection and incorporation of peer review feedback

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