Bias has a distorting effect on how facts are presented and interpreted by different audiences.
National news networks must make decisions about what stories to run, how to present what
happened, and what order to tell those stories in. Bias can be a powerful factor in how the news is
reported. Your paper should be at least 2500 words.
Select two national news shows (do not use local news shows) that air on the same day from two
different major networks (from networks such as CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, etc. Do not choose local
news shows). Note the similarities and differences between each network in terms of which stories
both networks report, which stories are covered by one and not the other, and what differences there
are in the stories they choose to report.
Summarize the stories and the way they were reported including a note of body language, word usage,
and omissions.
Explore the historical issues of bias in both news sources and how that might affect coverage.
Discuss how viewers only watching one of these sources might get a different sense of current events
than one watching the other.
Discuss what steps each source could take to reduce their bias.
Sample Solution
Bias has a distorting effect on how facts are presented and interpreted by different audiences, making it an important factor to consider when watching or reading any type of news. This is especially true when considering the differences between two national news networks that air on the same day from two different major networks. For instance, Fox News and MSNBC both aired stories about police violence against Black Americans in Minneapolis this week. Although they both covered similar topics, there were some significant differences in how each network chose to present the story.
Sample Solution
Bias has a distorting effect on how facts are presented and interpreted by different audiences, making it an important factor to consider when watching or reading any type of news. This is especially true when considering the differences between two national news networks that air on the same day from two different major networks. For instance, Fox News and MSNBC both aired stories about police violence against Black Americans in Minneapolis this week. Although they both covered similar topics, there were some significant differences in how each network chose to present the story.