Identifying the ethical guidelines you use in making moral decisions
Writing Assignment #1 (20 pts)
Due: 11PM Wednesday, 9/9. You can submit via Dropbox.
Objective: To identify and reflect on the rules that you use to guide your moral decision making.
Background: As noted, one of the requirements of this course is that you reflect on your own
moral behavior and the ethical perspectives that you use to guide your decision making
concerning that behavior. A good point to beginning this course is to identify the “rules or
approaches” that you use in daily life to guide your moral behavior. Rules or Approaches may
be: laws, conscience, virtue approach, common good approach, utilitarian, principled approach,
rights, or fairness approach.
Task: Write a short paper (approx. 2-3 pages) in an essay format – Introduction, Body, and

  1. Begin by writing on what ethics are and how important you think they are (in your own
  2. Highlight the ethical guideline(s) that you use to make moral decisions in your everyday life
    (think about many different approaches we discussed in class). Provide example(s) of a moral
    decision that you made in your past to illustrate. For instance, describe an ethical dilemma
    you have experienced in the past, how did you resolve the situation? using what ethical
    approaches? and how satisfied were you with the result of your decision?
  3. Identify the major influences on the development of the guidelines you mentioned in #2.
    Where did you learn these guidelines and from whom (e.g., parents, religion, school, etc.)?
    Fall 2020 FMD 255
  4. Describe key ethical issue(s) that have been presented in recent news coverage, popular
    television shows, and movies. Explain your response to the issue (what is your view/opinion
    on the issue?). Apply an appropriate ethical approach to your response. Use OREO writing
    (see below).
  5. Summary statement emphasizing a dominant ethical approach or two. Then, discuss how
    you may continue to use or change these approaches to make moral decisions in the future.
  6. Paper has been proofread for English and word errors.
  7. Name and date is in the header of the paper on the right side.
  8. Name your file following the course guideline. [last name][first initial]_Assignment1.doc
  9. Paper is word processed using 12 pt font, double space, and one-inch margins on all sides.
  10. References: APA Style
  11. Save your paper as a .doc, .docx, or pdf file.
  12. Submit via BeachBoard Drop box -> writing assignment #1
  13. See the Grading Rubric on the next page
    Paper Format
    Note: At the end of your paper, add the sources/ references of #4: Recent key ethical
    issue following the APA style (no need for others). Go to BeachBoard>Content>
    Student Resources for more information about APA style
    Describe key ethical issue(s) that
    have been presented in recent
    Fall 2020 FMD 255
    OREO Persuasive Writing:
    • Opinion: Give your opinion. Tell the reader how you feel about the topic/issue.
    • Reason: Give your reason for your opinion. Tell why you feel this way (apply ethical
    • Example: Give an example and details to support your opinion.
    • Opinion: Restate your opinion and your feelings to the reader.
    Grading Rubric:
    Parts of the paper Description Points
    Introduction Something on what ethics are
    and how important it is
    (2 pts)
    Content Identified approaches- Used
    course concepts
    (2 pts)
    Content Provided examples when
    explaining the guideline(s) used.
    Ethical Dilemma experienced,
    how it was resolved, and how
    satisfied with the result
    (4 pts)
    Content Your source of guidelines
    explained – e.g. family,
    education etc.
    (2 pts)
    Content Described key ethical issues in
    recent news/ TV/movies.
    Explained own views and
    provided solutions
    (6 pts)
    Conclusion Summary statement
    emphasizing a dominant
    guideline or two. For example, I
    always (demonstrates reflection)
    (2 pts)
    Mechanics Grammar, Spelling, follow
    required format (e.g. naming of
    your file), APA style references
    (2 pts)
    Total (20 pts)

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