Choose one narrative film and one episodic film from the list below. The
focus of your discussion will be on causality.
Academic Level : Bachelor
Essay Instructions
Hunger Games is a classic narrative story with a single protagonist who goes on a journey. It is what Joseph
Campbell would call the ‘monomyth’. Each scene and sequence are connected by causality
Causality: This can be illustrated as …this happens which causes this event, which leads to this event, and
then causes that event… Classic films like Rocky, Juno, Birdman, and Diehard are all monomyths that use
causality to link story events. More recent films like Hunger Games and Black Panther are the same. Television
shows like Breaking Bad and Sherlock also progress via causality.
In contrast, films like Boyhood, Persepolis and the Vagabond are what are called episodic films. So, too, is the
wonderful short Butterlamp. In episodic films each sequence acts as a separate standalone chapter that is not
dependent or causally linked to the chapter that precedes it. In these films this happens and then that happens
and then this happens… the events are not causally linked. There is no urgent pending plot event that propells
us into the next sequence.
Essay Prompt:
Choose one narrative film and one episodic film from the list below. The focus of your discussion will be on
Part A: In a short 2 page essay explain how causality in Hunger Games contributed to the themes, character
and story being advanced. Make sure that the core of your essay is specifically discussing causality. (10
Part B: In a short 2 page essay explain how the lack of causality in your film choice contributed to the themes,
character and story being advanced. Make sure that the core of your essay is specifically discussing lack of
causality in the episodic film you have chosen. (10 points)
Essay Length:
Do both Part A and Part B: Length is 4 pages: (Typed and double-spaced). Please be succinct. Longer essays
will not be of benefit in terms of grading.
Narrative Films
Hunger Games
Episodic Films (Choose one from the List Below)
Each story structure analysis can earn a maximum of 10 points. What is important is that you discuss how
causality (narrative film) or the lack of causality (episodic film) contributes to the themes, character and story
being advanced.
Option 1: Recommended Reading
Class Notes: Lesson 1-2 Storytelling.

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