
Jean Ribault:
When did this take place?
Look at French efforts in
Spanish Florida. Why were the French in Florida? What was the role of religion? What did the Spanish do? What happened to Ribault and his men?
Powhatan Confederacy:
When did this take place? Who was
Powhatan? Connect this to the settling of Jamestown and conflict between the colonists and Native Americans. What about Pocahontas?
King Philip’s War:
When did this take place? How is the Pequot War connected? Why is religion important to the story? What happened in this war? How did it affect the race in the colonies?
Salem Witchcraft Trials:
When did this take place? Who are the main people involved? Why did this happen? How do Puritan ideas about religion and the concept of childhood impact this event? What was the outcome?
Great Awakening:
When did this take place? Explain this religious revival and the key people that were part of it, like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. How did this impact the American Revolution?
Boston Tea Party:
When did this take place? How is the British East
India Company connected? Discuss the purpose of the Tea Act? Who was responsible for this? How did the British Parliament react?
Common Sense:
When did this take place? Who was Thomas Paine,
and what was he arguing? Link this to the Declaration of Independence.
How did Paine’s ideas help push the colonists toward fighting for
independence from Great Britain?
Articles of Confederation:
When did this take place? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? How does this lead to the creation of the Constitution?
Shays’s Rebellion:
When did this take place? Why were Shays and his followers rebelling, and who were they rebelling against? What was the result? How did it impact the Constitution?
Battle of Tippecanoe:
When did this take place? How is Tecumseh connected? What about his brother, The Prophet? Why were Native
Are Americans gathering in Prophetstown? How is this connected to the
War of 1812?
Ft. Mims:
When did this take place? Why did the Red Stick Creek attack the fort? How is forced assimilation connected? How is this connected to the War of 1812?
Erie Canal:
When was it built and where was it? Connect the Erie
Canal, and other canal building to the Market Revolution. How does it fit into the larger expansion of transportation?
Know-Nothing Party:
When did this take place? What did this party believe in? When? How successful were they? Connect this to increased immigration, particularly from the Irish. How did Nativism lead to the creation of the Know-Nothings?

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