Research Paper (minimum of 500 words total for two prompts)
Employment Law (heading)
In Lochner v. New York, 198 U.S. 45 (1905) the Supreme Court reviewed a New York minimum work hours law for bakers, Bakeshop Act, which prohibited New Yorkers from working in a bakery more than 10 hours in one day or 60 hours per week. The Supreme Court held the Bakeshop Act interfered with the freedom of contract and the right to liberty afforded to employers and workers under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court reasoned
The general right to make a contract in relation to his business is part of the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, and this includes the right to purchase and sell labor, except as controlled by the [state] in the legitimate exercise of its police power. Liberty of contract relating to labor includes both parties to it; the one has as much right to purchase as the other to sell labor. There is no reasonable ground, on the score of health, for interfering with the liberty of the person or the right of free contract, by determining the hours of labor, in the occupation of a baker. Nor can a law limiting such hours be justified as a health law to safeguard the public health, or the health of the [persons] following that occupation. (198 U.S. 45, 45 (1905))
Lochner was overturned by West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish, 300 U.S. 379 (1937). Under Washington state law, the Industrial Welfare Committee and Supervisor of Women in Industry set a minimum wage of $14.50 for each work week of 48 hours. Parrish, an employee of the West Coast Hotel Company, received an amount less than this wage. The Supreme Court held that the establishment of minimum wages for women was constitutional and did not violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court reasoned
Deprivation of liberty to contract is forbidden by the Constitution if without due process of law, but restraint or regulation of this liberty, if reasonable in relation to its subject and if adopted for the protection of the community against evils menacing the health, safety, morals and welfare of the people, is due process. (300 U. S. 379, 391 (1937)). In dealing with the relation of employer and employed, the legislature has necessarily a wide field of discretion in order that there may be suitable protection of … freedom from oppression (300 U.S. 379, 393 (1937)).
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938, a federal law, stablishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments. The FLSA applies only to covered employers.
There are other Supreme Court cases that are relevant and can be used in support of a student’s conclusion.
1. First Document: Research Paper (minimum of 500 words total for two prompts) Continued:
Prompt 1: Write a persuasive argument supporting or opposing the government’s interference with liberty to contract between an employer and worker. Focus on legal arguments supporting either liberty to contract or government restrictions on liberty to contract based on public interest. Research on historical events may also be used to support the conclusion. Do not include morals, ethics, or any analysis other than a legal and historical analysis.
* Support the conclusion using only Supreme Court of the United States cases, federal laws, and historical events. Be specific. Define and explain important terms and federal laws. If a student uses a Supreme Court case identify and explain case facts, holding, and the reason for the holding.
Argumentative essay writing explanation:
Christian Ethics (heading)
Prompt 2: From a Christian worldview, explain whether it is ethical or unethical for the government to establish a minimum wage for workers, thus interfering with employers and workers liberty to contract.
* Explain and support the conclusion using more than one directly quoted Bible verse. If needed, students may also use biblical scholars to support and explain the specific Bible verses or conclusion.