1. Describe the following for each major macronutrient category (protein, carbohydrates, fats):
    • role in energy production
    • role in performance
    • recommended types (for the generally healthy public)
    • types that are not recommended
    • foods that you would recommend within the macronutrient category and why
    How does knowledge of macronutrients help you in your future training endeavors?

Protein provides energy in the form of calories. Your body burns protein when carbohydrates or fats are not available. Additionally so proteins aid in producing hormones, while others support functions of your immune system.
When it comes to performance protein plays an import role for energy and muscle preservation in endurance activities. Protein is known for repair, maintenance, and growth of body tissue, but also as an energy supply.
For the generally healthy public, the types of protein that would be recommended source of protein would be such as animal proteins including meat, poultry, eggs, fish, milk and cheese rank the highest on protein quality. Whey protein and casein can be found in powdered supplements which are usually taken pre and post workout. These proteins are highly popular due to both being dairy based.
Lower protein quality that is not recommended for vital protein intake would be plant proteins.
Recommended foods for protein macronutrients would include Eggs, chicken breasts, oats, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, milk, broccoli, lean beef, tuna, turkey breasts, any type of fish, shrimp, peanuts as well as peanut butter, and whey protein supplements. All of these types of food are very high in protein and a good way to get the recommended daily intake of protein. If abiding by the tracking macros type of diet, it is important to know which foods are high in protein in order to obtain your daily intake of protein to be sure you are obtaining enough in your diet.

Carbohydrates provide energy once digested and processed through the liver retaining what is needed for energy transfer and glycogen storage and transporting the rest out as glucose (galactose and fructose). This is the most efficient source of energy for athletes.
Carbohydrates role in performance contribute by allowing athletes to compete at higher levels for longer by delaying fatigue by utilizing the glucose molecules stored in the liver and glycogen stored in muscles.
Recommended carbohydrate sources are vegetables, whole fruits, legumes, potatoes and whole grains
Not recommended types of carbohydrates are sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit juices, pastries, white bread, white pasta, candy, French fries and potato chips.
Whole carbs are recommended found in the following foods. Sweet potatoes, beans, oats, vegetables, brown rice, oats, chia seeds, flax seeds, whole fruits such as bananas , apples and strawberries and so on. These whole carbs. By eating whole carbs we can avoid spikes in our blood sugar and minimize health risks.

Fats are produced as energy once carbohydrates are not available, fat needed to access the stored carbohydrates or glycogen. The body had to break down fats and transports it to the working muscles before used as energy.
Fat is the most energy-dense macronutrient, fats role in performance is usually utilized as fuel for endurance exercise, along with carbohydrates. Fatigue is usually associated with fat and glycogen depletion. Fat stores a lot more often and longer than carbohydrates, once carbohydrates are no long available for energy production, fat is accessed since there is more fat cells stored.
Recommended types of fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
Types not recommended saturated fats and industrial Trans fats.
Foods with the recommended fats would be foods such as tuna, salmon (contents with Omega-3) Walnuts, canola oil, flax seeds, avocados, nuts, corn, and fatty fish.

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