Thesis/Dissertation chapter on GSP and Diplomacy: An Analysis of the Political Dynamics in Granting and Withdrawing Trade Preferences



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Title: GSP and Diplomacy: An Analysis of the Political Dynamics in Granting and Withdrawing Trade Preferences


The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) has been a significant tool in international trade relations, serving as a mechanism to promote economic development in developing countries. However, the granting and withdrawal of trade preferences under the GSP have not only economic but also political implications. This dissertation aims to explore the political dynamics involved in the decision-making processes of granting and withdrawing trade preferences under the GSP scheme.


The GSP is a preferential trade arrangement where developed countries grant tariff concessions to developing countries on a wide range of products. The goal is to promote exports from developing countries and foster their economic growth. While the GSP is primarily an economic tool, the decision-making processes surrounding the granting and withdrawal of preferences are influenced by various political factors.

Thesis Statement

This dissertation argues that the decision to grant or withdraw trade preferences under the GSP is not solely based on economic considerations but is significantly influenced by diplomatic and political factors. By analyzing case studies and examining the role of key stakeholders, this study will demonstrate how diplomatic relations, geopolitical interests, and domestic political considerations play a crucial role in shaping GSP policies.

Literature Review

Previous studies have highlighted the complex interplay between trade, diplomacy, and politics in the context of the GSP. Scholars have emphasized the importance of understanding the power dynamics between beneficiary countries and preference-granting nations. Additionally, research has shown that the withdrawal of trade preferences can be used as a diplomatic tool to exert pressure or influence on beneficiary countries.


This dissertation will employ a qualitative research approach, utilizing case studies and policy analysis to examine the political dynamics of granting and withdrawing trade preferences under the GSP. By analyzing key decisions and policy documents, this study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of how diplomatic considerations shape GSP policies.

Case Studies

– The United States’ decision to suspend India’s GSP benefits
– The European Union’s review of GSP preferences for certain countries in response to human rights violations
– Japan’s strategic use of GSP incentives to strengthen diplomatic ties with Southeast Asian nations


In conclusion, this dissertation will shed light on the intricate relationship between trade preferences under the GSP and diplomatic considerations. By delving into the political dynamics at play in the decision-making processes, this study aims to provide valuable insights for policymakers, diplomats, and scholars interested in understanding the intersection of trade and diplomacy in international relations.

By examining the nuanced interplay between economic interests and political motivations in the context of the GSP, this dissertation seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of how trade preferences can be leveraged as tools of diplomacy on the global stage.

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