Explore social/political/economic issue and further investigate. This information will be used in your Social Awareness and Responsibility project.
The social/political/economic issue is Gun violence
Now find a minimum of 3 sources that will guide your social issue project.
Provide the link and a short summary of what you learned from that particular source.
Some of the questions you might want to consider are:
What social/economic/political issue are you going to use to inspire your social responsibility artwork?
How are you going to bring awareness to the social issue in your artwork?
Why did you choose this social/economic/political topic?



Sample Solution

Source #1: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – “Understanding and Preventing Gun Violence”
This source provides an overview of gun violence in the United States with a focus on who is affected most by this type of violence, what conditions contribute to it, and how we can prevent it. It outlines approaches that have been utilized in other countries to reduce levels of gun-related death and injury while also highlighting potential policy options which could be used domestically. This report will be useful for my project as it gives insight into existing causes behind gun violence along with possible solutions so that I can use this information when creating artwork which aims to bring awareness to this issue.

Sample Solution

Source #1: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – “Understanding and Preventing Gun Violence”
This source provides an overview of gun violence in the United States with a focus on who is affected most by this type of violence, what conditions contribute to it, and how we can prevent it. It outlines approaches that have been utilized in other countries to reduce levels of gun-related death and injury while also highlighting potential policy options which could be used domestically. This report will be useful for my project as it gives insight into existing causes behind gun violence along with possible solutions so that I can use this information when creating artwork which aims to bring awareness to this issue.

Source #2: The Guardian article – “Gun Violence Is A Public Health Crisis That Demands Action”
This source discusses how the current approach towards reducing gun violence within the United States is not working due to lack of political will from lawmakers. It then goes on to explain how treating this issue like any other health crisis such as cancer or diabetes would require taking various steps such as increasing research funding, providing treatment for mental illness, instituting background checks and implementing sensible restrictions on weapons. This piece will be helpful for my project because it outlines potential policy reforms which need to take place if America is serious about making real change when it comes to reducing avoidable deaths through firearms.

Source #3: Harvard School Of Public Health – “The History & Causes Of Gun Violence In The US”
This source looks at the history behind gun ownership in America while examining some contributing factors such as weak regulation, access to guns through illegal channels, inadequate mental health services, poverty and racism among others. It then explains why addressing these underlying issues are essential if we want long-term progress towards curbing gun violence within our society today. This material will be important for my project since it provides a comprehensive understanding of what needs attention when trying tackle this complex social problem so that I can use these concepts when creating artworks related to bringing awareness about ways we can reduce firearm fatalities

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