List the major powers transferred from the states to the Federal Government (it can be found at the beginning of the chapter “Hard Realities fir a new nation.”)


Define what it is an “Indenture.” Please comment on the following few questions: Is it “”quasi-slavery”? What the cost? What is benefit? Was it good for the colonies?

3)Land Ordinaces of 1785 and 1787

Summarize the land ordinances of 1785 and 1787 (written under the guidance spirit of Thomas Jefferson). How these ordinances shaped the US that we know?

4)Trail of Tears

The US government and the constitution of US gave Native Americans territories in permanency. Yet, Andrew Jackson massacred and forced Native Americans out of these territories and mandated the Cherokee to march in severe winter weather to what now is Oklahoma (“Trail of Tears.”)

5)Hard Realities for a new Nation

When writing our constitution, our founding fathers focused carefully on the question of state versus national interest, and it was left implicit that “Powers not delegated to the Federal government or forbidden to the states were reserved to the states (or the people). Local laws, civil conduct and the like are then to be decided by the people (The states). Now this it is relevant today, discuss briefly, whether Sanctuary Cities, legalization of marijuana, abortion or gay marriages are constitutionally the right of the states to resolve.

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