Your team has been hired for the newly formed PMO (Project Management Office) within a company called Metropolitan Pharmaceutical Enterprise (MPE) which is affiliated with the pharmaceutical industry bureau based in Canada. MPE has been contracted by the Ontario Government to develop, produce, and market a booster vaccine called MetCure for the current COVID-19 virus and possibly any further mutation from the virus. Scientists have been working hard in collaboration with other Pharmaceutical Enterprises in Canada as well as a few international pharmaceutical enterprises. Your company is now ready to deploy MetCure within six months.
You have been asked by the CEO of MPE to manage the deployment of Met cure across Ontario and Canada once you receive approvals from the other provinces and territories and the federal government.

To be completed I need the “Project objective”, “Scope (included and excluded)”, “dependencies” AND a brief analysis

Phase 2: Analysis and Recommendation
2 Preliminary Options Analysis
Complete the following sections to screen a comprehensive list of options and narrow the field of alternatives down to a reasonable number of viable options.

2.1 Evaluation Criteria
Define the evaluation criteria that will be used for screening and analysis of the options and will ultimately determine an overall recommendation.
See evaluation criteria types (deal breakers, minimum requirement, and non-essential) and example table in the Business Case Guide.

2.2 List the Possible Options
Identify, describe, and explore every possible option that can address the business need. The list should demonstrate due diligence in exploring options.
See categories and example table in the Business Case Guide.

2.2.1 The Status Quo
Include the status quo option (also known as the base case) as it will act as the baseline for the upcoming analysis.

2.2.2 Describing the Option
Describe each preliminary option (high level).
See example table in the Business Case Guide.

2.3 Screening of Options
Assess how well each option meets the screening criteria. Determine whether a particular option should be discounted immediately or considered for further analysis as a viable option.




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