Research and analyze the historical context of one or more of the texts you have encountered this year. By context, we mean the historical circumstances surrounding the production of the text: authorship, culture. society, language, geography, politics. economics … and so on. “List of texts we had this year: 1. Gilgamesh 2. Oedipus the king (By Sophocles) 3. Euthyphro + Onto (By Plato) 4. The Nicomachean Ethics (By Aristotle) 5. The Confessions of Saint Augustine 6. The Decisive Treatise (By Averroes/lbn Rusd) 7. Guide of the perplexed (By Maimonides) 8. Masnavi (By Rumi) 9. The God of Love’s Letter + The Book of the City of Ladies + The Letter from Othea (By Christine de Pizan) 10. The Romance of the Rose (By Guillaume) 11. Othello (By William Shakespeare)
Examples of the contexts of the texts include: • Archaeology and History of the Ancient Middle East (Gilgamesh) • Ancient Greek drama (Sophocles) • Ancient Athenian Politics (Plato, Aristotle) • Golden Age (Averroes) • Islamic mysticism (Rumi) • Early Christian Mediterranean (St. Augustine) • Women in Renaissance Europe (Christine de Pizan) • Sephardic Jewish culture (Maimonides)

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