Writing a paper about how the use of technology to train workers is rapidly growing.
Focus on how companies are integrating the use of elearning for training & development.
Discuss how more and more companies are hiring eLearning third party vendors to enhance the training in the organization.
Look at the connection between eLearning training needs and how companies are using this technique to strengthen production, commitment, and memory.
RequirementsClear goals. Does the author(s) state the basic purposes of his or her work clearly?
Adequate preparation. Does the author(s) show an understanding of existing scholarship in the field and bring an appropriate breadth of evidence to the
Effective presentation. Does the author use a suitable style and effective organization to present his or her work? Does the author present his or her
message with clarity?
Style Usage. The draft and final versions of your paper must adhere to the following style format:
– use APA style (the standard in education and psychological journals)
– include an abstract (100-150 words)
– be approximately 1500 words, (including abstract and references)
– be double-spaced
– use 12 point font throughout (either Arial or New Times Roman is preferred)
– use 1-inch margins all around
– must not include any macros or templates (e.g., do not use auto-populate features for the references)
– must not use multiple columns; I just want a clean, well-organized, paper with “no frills” regarding layout
– be saved as a Word .doc or .docx or as .rtf. Must not be another file type such as .pdf.
The above are the minimum requirements to earn 6 out of the 10 possible points for the draft and separately for the final version of the paper. If you do not
adhere to them, expect your paper to be returned to you ungraded and not reviewed.
To earn 7 out of 10 possible points I am looking for:
Content. Are the paper’s conclusions valid based upon significant sources and your argumentation provided? Does the paper have a purpose and provide
knowledge applicable to the teaching and learning process?
To earn 8 out of 10 possible points I am looking for:
Relevance (Importance, usefulness, and/or applicability of the ideas, methods and/or techniques described in the paper). Does the paper focus sufficiently
on a current topic, question or inquiry in the field?
To earn 9 out of 10 possible points I am looking for:
It is not necessary for the paper to develop new techniques, or to generate new knowledge, but it should, at least, apply or combine current knowledge in a
fresh and novel way or shed some new light on their applicability in a certain domain.
To earn 10 out of 10 possible points I am looking for:
Innovation/Synthesis. Does the paper have an innovative approach or questions pursued, or a unique perspective on new or existing knowledge, approaches
or questions?
Articles for research must be scholarly articles